YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce Premium 5.18.0

Download YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce Premium 5.18.0 from nulled fire. YITH Booking for WooCommerce was one of our most requested plugin, which is why we were able to shap
* New - Hourly bookings
* New - Per minute bookings
* New - All Day bookings
* New - Google Calendar integration
* New - improved performance
* New - YITH Booking theme
* New - show booking form in widget
* New - daily calendar
* New - Booking Notes (private and customer ones) on backend
* New - ICS export
* New - synchronization through ICS files (Booking Sync tab)
* New - show external bookings, loaded by ICS files, on calendar
* New - possibility to set "allowed start days"
* New - possibility to count people as separated bookings
* New - calendar style on backend
* New - person type ranges in Booking cost rules
* New - booking availability stored by using transient to improve performance
* New - load not-available dates via AJAX on frontend to improve performance
* New - Background Processes
* New - plain email templates
* New - booking emails contain the iCal event, so Gmail, for example, will show it in the email
* New - "Disable day if no time is available" option
* New - booking style
* New - people selector
* New - unique date range picker
* New - possibility to hide included services in Booking product form
* New - booking_services shortcode
* New - print service descriptions in Booking Form
* New - option to automatically reject pending confirmation bookings after X days
* New - actions to confirm/reject pending confirmation bookings in New Booking email
* New - show 'non bookable' text in price if product is not bookable
* New - default start date depends on 'Allow booking no sooner than' option
* New - set First Time Available as default start date
* New - fill booking form fields automatically when clicking on product links (results of booking search form)
* New - show messages for Min and Max duration in booking form
* New - possibility to hide Booking Search Form widget in single product
* New - show login form if booking form is shown to logged users only
* New - Booking List Table style
* New - Logs
* New - PHPUnit tests
* Update - Italian language
* Fix - availability issue for max bookings per unit
* Fix - availability issue with fixed duration bookings
* Fix - availability in past and future
* Fix - issue in availability table when creating a new product
* Fix - not-available dates
* Fix - style of services in booking form
* Fix - enqueued jquery-ui style only in Booking pages
* Fix - show booking data in YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote emails
* Fix - datepickers as readonly to prevent opening keyboard in mobile
* Fix - date picker min and max date when calendar range picker is enabled
* Fix - tiptip style in Booking list
* Fix - responsive calendar style
* Fix - copy to clipboard issue with input fields
* Fix - booking services not shown in frontend for vendors
* Fix - issue in Booking creation on backend
* Fix - wp_query issue
* Fix - service column width in product list
* Fix - notices when getting results of booking search forms
* Fix - style in services
* Fix - availability dates issue
* Fix - non-available booking message on checkout
* Fix - Search Form style
* Fix - removing non-available booking from cart issue
* Fix - WPML issue when paying with PayPal
* Fix - PHP7 warning for non-numeric values for prices
* Fix - yith_wcbk_is_booking_product issue with post objects
* Fix - issue with price rules
* Fix - issue in PDF booking details
* Fix - hide people in cart, emails and booking details if booking products doesn't have people
* Fix - price saved as float to fix issues with comma separator
* Tweak - click on the datepicker icon to open the datepicker
* Tweak - added label for services (additional and included)
* Tweak - possibility to set Default Time Step and Default Start Time for daily calendar view
* Tweak - improved table style of cost and person type rules
* Tweak - changed status colors
* Tweak - new blockUI loader style
* Tweak - order item meta set to be unique
* Tweak - hidden add-to-cart-timestamp order item meta
* Tweak - sorting Booking Labels by name
* Tweak - new style in "create booking" page
* Tweak - prevent issues on add to cart
* Tweak - changed PDF font to Helvetica
* Tweak - removed unused PDF fonts
* Update - templates
* Update - language files
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_monthpicker JS function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_datepicker JS function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_print_field function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_print_fields function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_array_add function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_array_add_after function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_array_add_before function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_create_complete_time_array function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_create_date_field function
* Dev - replaced yith_wcbk_my_account_bookingss_column_ action with yith_wcbk_my_account_booking_column_
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_printer_print_field_args filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_printer_print_fields_args filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_my_account_booking_columns filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_pdf_file_name filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_csv_delimiter filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_csv_file_name filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_get_duration_html filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_create_availability_time_array_unit_increment filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_show_booking_form_to_logged_users_only_show_login_form filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_product_get_not_available_dates_before filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_google_calendar_add_note_in_booking_on_sync filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_search_form_default_location_range filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_actions_for_emails filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_get_mark_action_url_allowed_statuses filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_get_mark_action_url filter
* Dev - deprecated argument in YITH_WCBK_Booking::update_status method
* Dev - class refactoring
* Dev - template refactoring
* New - support to WooCommerce 3.3.0-rc2
* Update - Plugin Framework
* Fix - WPML integration
* Fix - enqueued frontend scripts only when needed
* Fix - service cost per person type issue when 'Multiply all costs by number of people' option is enabled
* Fix - booking creating issue in backend
  • Update - Plugin Framework 3
  • Fix - Multi Vendor integration: vendors can add services with the same name of the admin vendors
  • Fix - issue when paying for request confirmation bookings
  • Fix - booking map in WooCommerce tabs
  • Fix - YITH WooCommerce Quick View integration
  • Fix - WooCommerce 3.x notice
  • Fix - google map issue
  • Fix - error when creating booking
  • Fix - error when creating booking from order
  • Dev - added yith_wcbk_printer_print_field_args filter
  • Dev - added yith_wcbk_ajax_booking_data_request filter
  • Dev - added yith_wcbk_cart_booking_data_request filter
  • Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_get_formatted_date filter
  • Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_product_free_price_html filter
  • Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_search_form_default_location_range filter