YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce Premium 5.18.0

Download YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce Premium 5.18.0 from nulled fire. YITH Booking for WooCommerce was one of our most requested plugin, which is why we were able to shap
* New - support to 3.5.0-beta.1
* New - option to automatically set paid bookings to complete
* New - possibility to show booking details in order items
* New - Completed Booking email
* New - booking form is auto-filled after clicking on product in search results shown in Shop Page
* New - possibility to edit 'Booking Services' label
* Fix - integration with YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote
* Fix - issues with old PHP versions
* Fix - issue when scrolling booking form on mobile
* Fix - removed people field for booking with no person
* Fix - calendar JS issue when Booking Search form is in Product Single page
* Fix - 'Show More Results' in Search Form results
* Fix - availability issue for 'All day' bookings when adding to cart
* Fix - timezone issue with Google Calendar by adding timezone information in iCal files
* Fix - cache issue with time availability on past dates if you book the product today
* Fix - duration label
* Update - Plugin Framework
* Update - language files
* Tweak - improved style of onoff fields in the table of types of people
* Tweak - split services in email into additional and included
* Tweak - fixed pricing issue when using variables
* Tweak - fixed enabling/disabling cache
* Tweak - fixed datepicker style in Create Booking page
* Tweak - fix product price sync
* Tweak - improved speed performance when searching for booking products through Search Forms
* Tweak - added possibility to set default category in Search Form shortcode
* Tweak - fixed footer action position in Booking PDF
* Tweak - show label instead of input field if min = max for booking duration
* Tweak - removed duplicated yith_wcbk_before_booking_form action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_get_service_type_labels function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_split_services_by_type function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_get_service_names filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_assets_bk_global_params filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_no_add_to_cart_for_selected_data filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_get_max_months_to_load function and filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_form_service_info_html filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_order_parse_booking_data filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_order_get_booking_order_item_details filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_is_cache_enabled filter
* New - set quantity for Booking Services
* New - 45, 60, 90 minute steps
* New - Buffer between two bookings
* New - possibility to set the first available time as default selected
* New - possibility to search by tags in Booking Search Forms
* New - possibility to edit further labels such as From, To, Duration, Services, People, Total people
* New - French translation (thanks to Josselyn Jayant)
* Fix - added 'select people' label in people selector when no person was selected
* Fix - YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote support
* Fix - click on people selector label
* Fix - 'first available' date issue
* Fix - issue when sorting products by price
* Fix - available date issue in calendar
* Fix - issue with url when synching external bookings
* Fix - iCal import timezone offset
* Tweak - possibility to set values in booking form via query strings
* Update - YITH Booking theme
* Update - language files
* Tweak - improved style
* Tweak - prevent notices on Booking Create page
* Tweak - prevent sync URL issues with booking.com sync
* Tweak - fixed textdomain for untranslatable strings
* Tweak - added login link in notice for request confirmation booking
* Tweak - added option to enable/disable booking cache
* Tweak - added log when errors occur on getting Google Maps location coordinates
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_product_form_get_booking_data_available_args filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_cart_get_booking_data_from_request filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_before_create_booking_page action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_calendar_booking_title filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_calendar_single_booking_data_booking_title filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_get_title filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_booking_get_raw_title filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_request_confirmation_login_required filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_product_sync_price_before action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_product_sync_price_after action
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_duration_minute_select_options filter
* Dev - added yith_booking_form_params filter
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_get_minimum_minute_increment function
* Dev - added yith_wcbk_get_minimum_minute_increment filter
-Fix - YITH Booking Theme package
-Fix - 'All day' booking end date
-Fix - issue with 'All day' bookings in calendar
-Fix - duration issue when saving 'all day' bookings
-Fix - availability in past for hourly and per-minute bookings
-Tweak - prevent issue with out-of-date PHP versions