* New: WooCommerce 3.7 support
* Tweak: removed call that retrieves all tickets for checkin shortcode (ajax loading will be applied anyway)
* Tweak: add args for service metabox template
* Tweak: check if $item_meta exists
* Tweak: added stripslashes wherever it is required
* Update: internal plugin framework
* Fix: prevent fatal error when not isset $get[post_type]
* Fix: issue with services index, causing new items overwriting previous one
* Fix: fixed barcode value in the CSV export
* Dev: new filters yith_wcevti_load_tickets_purchased and yith_wcevti_search_ticket_output
* Dev: new filter yith_wc_event_tickets_show_already_sold_tickets
* Dev: new action yith_wcevti_order_metabox_end_services