YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium 3.5.0

Download YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium 3.5.0 from nulled fire. YITH Woocommerce Affiliates Premium is a powerful plugin designed for online store owners.
New: support for WooCommerce 3.9
Update: plugin framework
Update: Italian language
Update: Greek language
Update: Dutch language
Fix: system not recognizing correct value for "Pay only commission older than" option
Dev: added yith_wcaf_website_type filter
* Tweak: changed Fontello class names to avoid conflicts with themes
* Tweak: added checks before Fontello style inclusion, to load it just when needed
* New: WooCommerce 3.7.0 RC2 support
* New: added integration with WC Subscription
* Tweak: added coupon meta data as placeholders for new affiliate coupon email
* Tweak: changed doubleval for floatval
* Tweak: regenerate invoice now saves submitted values as invoice profile
* Tweak: using publishable url for download invoice on backend
* Update: internal plugin framework
* Update: Italian language
* Fix: new condition to accept Terms & Conditions in withdraw panel
* Fix: array to string conversion when regenerating affiliate invoice
* Fix: allow copy button from iphone/ipad
* Fix: wrong value was used in affiliate selection dropdown, on user edit page, after saving a user as Associated affiliate
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcaf_withdraw_valid_payment_email for payment email of withdraw tab
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcaf_become_an_affiliate_check
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcaf_show_coupon_section
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcaf_check_affiliate_val_error
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcaf_check_affiliate_val_error_premium
* Dev: added new filter yith_wcaf_dashboard_navigation_menu
* Dev: added new action yith_wcaf_process_withdraw_request
* Dev: added new action yith_wcaf_referrer_set