YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes Premium 2.34.0

Download YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes Premium 2.34.0 from nulled fire. YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes allows you to generate and read bar codes and qr codes.
  • Fix: variation barcode image not shown on product page if there isn't a default barcode image for the variable product
  • Update: YITH Plugin-FW.
  • Fix: missing barcode on customer email.
  • New: show barcode value on variation selection at front end product page(for variable products)
  • Fix: some barcode values not saved correctly
  • Dev: filter 'yith_ywbc_render_barcode_html' lets third party plugins to edit the Barcode HTML elements rendered by the plugin