YITH WooCommerce Brands 2.28.0

Download YITH WooCommerce Brands 2.28.0 from nulled fire. YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on allows you to introduce a brands system within your store
* New: support for WordPress 5.3
* New: support for WooCommerce 3.8
* Update: Plugin Framework
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Spanish language
* Update: Dutch language
* Fix: prevent error with empty allowed and excluded brands on coupon validation
* Fix: call the correct class for brand_filter static function
* Fix: warning on cart, when brand options for the coupon are empty
* Fix: now filters & pagination behave correctly together on brands_filter shortcode
* Fix: order by name if no filter is selected
* Fix: notice on brand category shortcode
* New: WooCommerce 3.7.0 RC2 support
* New: added coupons restrictions for brands
* Update: internal plugin framework
* Dev: new filter yith_wcbr_brand_filter_widget_atts
* New: Support to WordPress 5.2
* Update: Plugin Framework