YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Premium 5.1.0

Download YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Premium 5.1.0 from nulled fire. Multi vendor e-commerce is a new idea of e-commerce platform that is becoming more and more popular
* New: Supporting WooCommerce 4.0
* New: Supporting WordPress 5.4
* New: Update plugin framework
* New: Column "Parent Order" in orders list table (vendor side)
* New: Vendor can search by parent order id
* New: Vendor id col in Vendors taxonomy page
* New: Option to set a custom recipient for pending product email
* New: Ability to translate Vendor Shipping Policy and Vendor Refund Policy with WPML
* Update: Plugin framework
* Tweak: Set template_base for all plugin's emails
* Tweak: New commissions refund management
* Tweak: Allow to use custom locale for plugin text domain
* Tweak: WPML integration
* Tweak: New register_taxonomy management
* Fix: Missing default value in vendor object
* Fix: Try to use non numeric value like number
* Fix: Wrong text domain and translation issues
* Fix: Wrong order amount in WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders section
* Fix: Wrong order count in WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders section
* Fix: Wrong order amount in WooCommerce > Analytics > Revenue section
* Fix: Wrong order count in WooCommerce > Analytics > Revenue section
* Fix: Undefined index 's' issue in orders section
* Fix: Missing $product arg in woocommerce_attribute_label hook
* Fix: $is_visible arg in woocommerce_order_item_name hook
* Fix: Unable to assign vendor to a product
* Fix: Unable to set shipping method for vendors
* Fix: Style issues on shipping panel for vendors
* Fix: Show refund information in single order page only if needed
* Fix: Show refund information in single commission page only if needed
* Fix: Show refund amount in single commission template
* Fix: Wrong template_base param for plugin's emails
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_register_commission_refund action after register commission refunded
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_delete_commission_refund action after delete commission refunded
* Dev: add yith_wcmv_get_translation_keys for term translation
* New: Support to WooCommerce 3.9
* Update: Spanish language
* Dev: yith_wcmv_remove_role_for_vendor_admins hook to filter the vendor role to remove for vendor admins
* New: Support for WooCommerce 3.8
* New: Support for WordPress 5.3
* New: Support for WordPress 5.3
* New: Support for YITH WooCommerce Account Funds Premium 1.3.0
* New: Select whether to show the vendor's products during holiday closings in WooCommerce archive pages or not
* New: Bubble notification for Vendor's order
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Spanish language
* Update: Plugin framework
* Fix: Unexpected issue with WC_Eval_Math
* Fix: Unable to translate vendor name with WooCommerce Multilingual
* Fix: Unable to translate vendor name in taxonomy edit page with WPML
* Fix: Compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Booking (fixed availability issues on booking products)
* Fix: Vendor can see customer details in order preview
* Dev: yith_wcmv_skip_check_duplicate_term_name to skip check duplicated term name