YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice 4.25.0

Download YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice 4.25.0 from nulled fire. YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List gives you the possibility to combine advantages
Update: Spanish translation
Fix: VAT field set as mandatory incorrectly
Fix: hide "Codice Fiscale" field in XML document for not italian companies
Fix: hide Provincia field for in XML document for not italian customers
Fix: increment of the invoice numbers
Fix: SSN and VAT showed as mandatory in according to the plugin options
* New: option to set Fiscal Regime of the company (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)
* New: option to set Chargeability of VAT for the company (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)
* New: possibility to customize error messages showed on checkout page (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)
* Update: plugin fw to version 3.1.15
* Update: italian translation
* Tweak: Receiver ID and PEC can be edited from user profile page on the backend (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)
* Tweak: AJAX Loading of Receiver ID and Receiver PEC on user profile when an order is created manually on the backend (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)
* Tweak: make mandatory fields on checkout page depending on whether the user is a company or a private customer (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)
* Fix: VAT Number is recovered correctly based on the user country (Electronic Invoice module for italian customers)
* Fix: make SSN mandatory only for private Italian customers (Electronic Invoice module for Italian customers)