Download SEOPress PRO 8.5.1 from nulled fire. Optimize Quickly and Easily the Seo of Your Wordpress Site with SEOPress PRO.
* NEW Pixel counter for title and meta description now works with each language / alphabet! Faster, more reliable and universal!
* NEW Facebook Preview!
* NEW Cookie bar customization: change background, color, buttons... from SEO, Google Analytics, Cookie bar / GDPR tab
* NEW Add new checks to content analysis for social networks (Open Graph / Twitter cards) to detect duplicated tags/conflicts
* NEW %%post_thumbnail_url%% global dynamic variable to display post thumbnail URL (Manage Titles & Metas - SEOPress)
* NEW %%currentmonth_short%% global dynamic variable to display current month in 3 letters (Manage Titles & Metas - SEOPress)
* NEW 'seopress_titles_post_thumbnail_url' hook to filter post thumbnail URL (Filter %%seopress_titles_post_thumbnail_url%% dynamic variable - SEOPress)
* INFO Content analysis now displays duplicate H1 title values for faster identification
* INFO Add Post title and Permalink to the metadata export file (PRO)
* INFO wpForo compatibility with SEOPress
* INFO Improve compatibility with Jetpack CDN (thanks to @jeherve)
* INFO Improve UI in content analysis if transparent / white images
* INFO Remove SEO admin bar for user roles without "manage_options" capability to improve UX
* FIX Facebook OG:Image URL encoding if no featured thumbnail or custom og:image set (thanks to @bitofseo)
* FIX Keywords in permalink was case sensitive
* NEW WordPress 4.7 is now the minimum required to use SEOPress (WP 5.3 is recommended)
* NEW Add %%page%% dynamic variable, current page number with context (eg: "Page 1 of 4")
* NEW Add "Remove hentry post class" option (SEO > Advanced > Advanced tab) to prevent Google from seeing this as a schema
* NEW Add "Remove author website in comments" option (SEO > Advanced > Advanced tab)
* NEW Add "Remove website field in comments" option (SEO > Advanced > Advanced tab)
* NEW Add "Clean manually all your 404 errors" feature (SEO > Tools > Redirections > Clean your 404 errors)
* NEW article:tag meta property on singular post for Open Graph protocol
* NEW article:section meta property on singular post for Open Graph protocol
* NEW Add a notification to alert admin if PHP module DOM is missing from SEO notifications center
* NEW Add "Remove default breadcrumbs JSON-LD structured data (WooCommerce 3+)" option (SEO > PRO > WooCommerce)
* NEW Add 'seopress_context_paged' hook to filter %%page%% dynamic variable (Filter “page” dynamic variable - SEOPress)
* NEW 'seopress_social_og_tag' hook to filter article:tag metas (Filter article tag meta - SEOPress)
* NEW 'seopress_social_og_section' hook to filter article:section meta (Filter article section meta tag - SEOPress)
* NEW 'seopress_titles_template_variables' hook to filter dynamic variables in meta title / desc... (Filter dynamic variables array - SEOPress)
* NEW 'seopress_sitemaps_html_post_date' hook to filter date in HTML sitemap (Filter to enable/disable post date by post type in HTML sitemap - SEOPress)
* NEW Content analysis: check if one your target keyword is in your slug
* INFO add new characters to content analysis to avoid "NAN" error
* INFO Update Admin Columns PRO compatibility (thanks to Stefan)
* INFO The notification about the license activation is now only show for users with "manage_options" capability
* INFO Improve code design
* INFO Add “ and ” characters to pixels counter
* INFO Improve plugin updater to avoid 403 error on license activation
* FIX Warning count() error if no main menu selected from "Add SiteNavigationElement schema" feature
* FIX Replace category_link (deprecated) by term_link
* FIX a notice on 404 page in specific case
* FIX Incorrect message about PRO version in Configuration wizard (thanks to @Noomia)
* FIX Bulk edit for post types generated by Toolset plugin
* FIX Undefined variable in plugin-licence.php file
* FIX Change CSV separator for Export metadata tool (',' to ';')
NEW Add SiteNavigationElement schema (SEO > PRO > Structured data types to enable this schema on your main menu)
INFO Add compatibility to Oxygen Builder for additional tracking code (body tag)
INFO add new characters to content analysis to avoid “NAN” error
FIX Change CSV seperator for Export metadata tool (‘,’ to ‘;’) to match import metadata tool seperator
FIX Export CSV in specific cases
FIX XML sitemaps if WordPress is located in a subdirectory
FIX Short description for WooCommerce in Product Automatic schema
FIX Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Empty string supplied as input in XML sitemaps