Wp Rocket 3.15.10

Download Wp Rocket 3.15.10 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
Regression fix: Correctly add custom user capabilities when updating the plugin
Enhancement: Add additional exclusions for combine javascript
Bugfix: Update tutorial videos titles
Bugfix: Prevent incorrect matches during CDN rewrite
  • Minimum support versions are now PHP 5.6 and WordPress 4.9
  • New Feature: Add an option to create a specific cache for WebP compatible browsers. An automatic detection of Imagify, Shortpixel, EWWW & Optimus is included
  • New Feature: Add custom capabilities for WP Rocket actions. It is now possible to give access to purge cache to different user roles without giving access to settings for example
  • Enhancement: Add support for native lazyload
  • Enhancement: Improve our CDN feature. It will now rewrite all assets found in the HTML to the CDN URL, and also fixes a number of known bugs related to the feature
  • Enhancement: Improvement on the clear cache lifespan option. Instead of deleting the whole cache on the set lifespan, it will delete only files older than the value defined
  • Enhancement: It's now possible the customize the list of query strings parameters ignored during cache serving
  • Enhancement: Add video tutorials to the WP Rocket settings page
  • Bugfix: Fix an issue with big inline scripts when the combine JS option is enabled
  • 3rd party compatibility: Add UK cookie consent compatibility
Enhancement: URLs with query strings in a sitemap can now be preloaded
Enhancement: Display an error if a pattern used in the exclusion fields is incorrect
Enhancement: Display an error notice if we detect our cron events are not running correctly
Enhancement: Display an error notice if Endurance Cache is enabled
Enhancement: Display date and time in our preload and critical path CSS generation notices
Enhancement: Improve wording on our preload complete notice
Bugfix: Use the correct style for exclude inline JS field when turning on the combine JS option for the first time
Bugfix: Prevent an issue with the Facebook Tracking add-on on 32 bits systems
Bugfix: Prevent an error when trying to clear the cache busting folder but it doesn’t exist
Bugfix: Prevent issue with inline JS combining in some cases
Third Party: Add an automatic compatibility with the BigCommerce plugin
Third Party: Add an automatic detection for SEOPress sitemap for our sitemap preload option
Third Party: Automatically clear WP Rocket cache when updating Bridge custom CSS/JS if using the remove query strings or minify options
New filter: rocket_sucuri_api_request_args to modify the arguments sent along the Sucuri API request