wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress 7.0.1

Download wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress 7.0.1 from nulled fire. wpDataTables is a powerful responsive Tables, Spreadsheets and Charts Data Manager.
Feature: Added CURRENT_USER_EMAIL placeholder.
Feature: Added support for iframe (HTML tag) in the table cells.
Feature: Added a hook for dynamic placehodlers update.
Feature: New Russian translation.
Feature: Updated Franch translation.
BugFix: Fixed issues with license deactivation in the main plugin, and in all add-ons.
BugFix: Minor security fixes for server side tables.
BugFix: Fixed the issue with duplicating Gravity tables where the server side processing is enabled.
BugFix: Fixed the issue with showing/hiding Editing views.
BugFix: Fixed issue with the CURRENT_USER_LOGIN placeholder.
BugFix: Fixed PHP notices for the tables created with Gravity forms.
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
A minor update with a couple of small bugfixes:
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with sum, min and max column for non-server side tables.
  • BugFix: Fixed conflict with WooCommerce product page and Gutenberg.
  • BugFix: Fixed warnings for PHPSpreadsheet lib.
  • Resolved minor security issues.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.
A major update with one new addon, and a couple of bug fixes and stability improvements:
  • New addon “Master-Detail Tables” available. The Master-Details Tables addon for wpDataTables allows showing additional details for a specific row in a popup or a separate page or post./li>
  • BugFix: Plugin and all addons are now compatible with jQuery 3.x.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with chart JS Linechart handling negative values.
  • BugFix: Fixed PHP notice for update of plugin and all addons.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 confirmed.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements.