* New: Support for WooCommerce 4.0
* New: Support for WordPress 5.4
* New: Fields for electronic invoice xml document
* New: Options for electronic invoice
* New: Options for electronic invoice (third intermediary)
* New: A "Private/Company/Freelance" field in checkout when the electronic invoice is enabled
* New: Support for Khmer Unicode
* New: JS validation on SSN for italian customers
* Update: Plugin framework
* Update: Language .pot file
* Update: Italian translation
* Update: Updated MPDF to 8.0.5
* Fix: PEC destinatario field always shown
* Fix: Placeholder not replaced in credit notes
* Fix: Changed the method to add the footer with mpdf library
* Fix: Fixed a wrong percentage tax value in the invoice
* Dev: Added a self redirect to the regenerate button
* Dev: All string scaped