
  1. Apanha

    FacetWP - Range List 0.9.1

    FacetWP Range List simplifies the search process by enabling users to filter items based on predefined range values. Perfect for e-commerce sites, real estate listings, or any extensive database, it enhances user experience by narrowing down search results swiftly and accurately. Easy to...
  2. Apanha

    FacetWP - Time Since 1.7.2

    FacetWP – Time Since is a versatile add-on for your WordPress site that lets you filter content based on how much time has passed since a specific date. It’s perfect for displaying posts, events, or products published within a certain timeframe. Easy to use and highly customizable, it helps you...
  3. Apanha

    FacetWP Conditional Logic 1.5

    FacetWP Conditional Logic add-on lets you toggle facets (and other elements) based on certain conditions.
  4. Apanha

    FacetWP Caching 1.7.1

    Make FacetWP-powered pages load quicker with page caching.
  5. Apanha

    FacetWP Relevanssi 0.8.2

    Integrate search facets with the Relevanssi search plugin. Relevanssi greatly improves the search quality and relevancy of search results. When the Relevanssi integration add-on is activated, each search facet will have a new “Relevanssi” choice within its Search engine setting. Make sure to...
  6. Apanha

    FacetWP Map 1.1

    FacetWP Map Facet add-on generates a map to display geocoded results. It can also filter results by showing only results within the map bounds.
  7. Apanha

    FacetWP Flyout Menu 0.8.3

    FacetWP Flyout Menu add-on generates a flyout sidebar which can help with mobile support.
  8. Apanha

    FacetWP Beaver Builder 1.4.2

    FacetWP Beaver Builder add facets to your BB grid listings.
  9. Apanha

    FacetWP Elementor 1.9.3

    FacetWP Elementor add-on lets you display facets alongside Elementor Pro listings. When this add-on is installed, compatible Elementor listing modules will display an extra “FacetWP” setting (see the screenshot below). Toggling this setting to “Enabled” tells FacetWP to use the desired listing.