Added: User column: Address
Added: New display property for Orders - User column: Total Sales / Life Time Value
Improved: Better variation support for Order Product column
Improved: Column width for order screen now works as expected
Added: Filtering re-added for Customer - Roles column
Added: Export model for Order Date column
Added: Order column: Reintroduced the old Status icon column (WooCommerce < 3.3)
Added: Product column: Sales (shows the total sales for a specific product)
Added: Coupon column: Limit (shows the coupon or user limit for a coupon)
Improved: Coupon Usage / Limit column now sorts on Usage instead of limit which makes more sense
Fixed: Customer Column was not working as expected for some display options
Fixed: Clicking the inline edit pencil after just activating inline edit prevents from triggering the WC row click event
Dependency: Requires Admin Columns Pro 4.2.4