[Added] Ancestor column for hierarchical post types
[Added] Latest comment column for posts
[Added] Post Type column for comments
[Added] Language column for users
[Added] Enable persistent editing by adding `add_filter( 'acp/editing/persistent', '__return_true' );` to your functions.php
[Improved] Default Filtering label prefix changed from 'All' to 'Any'
[Improved] Ping status, last name and first name column sorting is now faster
[Improved] Adding a new column will enable sorting by default
[Updated] Admin Column Core changes
[Improved] Admin Columns Capability is now always set
[Improved] Database update message is only visible for administrators
[Improved] Links starting with # are now marked as internal
[Removed] Removed support for the Link/Bookmark list table
[Added] Added date time settings for columns that use dates