* [Added] Global Saved Filters are now also stored in File Storage
* [Added] Smart Filtering for the Author role column on Custom Post Type list tables
* [Added] New hook to load table views on-the-fly `acp/storage/repositories/callback`
* [Added] Setup for PHP File Storage now allows you to set a text domain for translations (see documentation)
* [Added] New hook to set a text domain for translation in PHP file storage `acp/storage/file/directory/i18n_text_domain`
* [Added] New hook to disable Admin Columns for certain list tables `ac/list_screen/is_active`
* [Added] New hook to disable Admin Columns for certain list tables based on keys `ac/list_screen/key/is_active`
* [Added] New Password column for the User list table to change the password for a user from the table
* [Fixed] Styling for the new sorting markers in WordPress 6.3
* [Fixed] Bulk Delete could give an error when the columns where not saved for the table
* [Fixed] The hook `ac/post_types` works again to disable Admin Columns for specific post types
* [Fixed] You can now reset custom Column Order on the table, even when you disabled the feature
* [Improved] New hook to add more styles for Conditional Formatting `acp/conditional_format/color_styles`
* [Improved] The Preview Column now also show a preview for video and audio files
* [MetaBox] Added display support for MetaBox Group fields
* [YoastSEO] Added columns for the Schema fields: Article type and Page type
* [WooCommerce] User Link setting for Customer (Orders) works now correctly
* [WooCommerce] Support for new HPOS feature in WooCommerce
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core version 4.6.5