Advanced Custom Fields Pro 6.2.10

Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro 6.2.10 from nulled fire. Advanced Custom Fields Pro unlock ACF v5 plus the repeater field, flexible content field.
* Fix - Fixed bug causing field groups to disappear when selecting a taxonomy term with WPML active.
* Tweak - Added more Dark Mode styles.
* Tweak - Improved DB upgrade prompt, functions and AJAX logic.
* Tweak - Improved the "What's New" admin page seen after DB Upgrade.
* Dev - Added new location rules filters.
* New - Added Dark Mode styles for the [Dark Mode Plugin](Dark Mode).
* New - Added "Value Contains" condition to the Select field type.
* New - Added support for the WooCommerce product type dropdown to trigger "update metaboxes".
* Tweak - Improved acf.screen model responsible for "updating metaboxes" when changing post data.
* Tweak - Removed user fields from the multisite "Add New User" page.
* Fix - Fixed bug preventing some tinymce customizations from working.
* Fix - Fixed JS bug throwing "preference" error in console.
* Dev - Added action 'acf/enqueue_uploader' triggered after the hidden "ACF Content" editor is rendered.
* Fix - Fixed bug preventing the Google Maps Field address from being customised.
* Fix - Improved logic to request and cache plugin update information.
* Fix - Fixed bug preventing JS initialization when editing widgets in accessibility mode.
* Fix - Added missing $parent argument to term_exists() function when adding a new term via taxonomy field popup.
* Fix - Fixed bug where nested Group Fields did not delete their values.
* Fix - Fixed JS error thrown by localStorage if cookies are not enabled.
* Dev - Bumped minimum WP version requirement to 4.4.
* Dev - Added action 'wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields' for compatibility with other plugins modifying the menu walker class.
* Dev - Added 'multiple' to the allowed attributes for an email field.
* Dev - Added new ACF_Ajax class for upcoming features.