Advanced Custom Fields Pro 6.2.10

Download Advanced Custom Fields Pro 6.2.10 from nulled fire. Advanced Custom Fields Pro unlock ACF v5 plus the repeater field, flexible content field.
* Security Fix - `the_field` now escapes potentially unsafe HTML as notified since ACF 6.2.5. For full information, please read [the release blog post](
* Security Fix - Field and Layout names are now enforced to alphanumeric characters, resolving a potential XSS issue
* Security Fix - The default render template for select2 fields no longer allows HTML to be rendered resolving a potential XSS issue
* Security Enhancement - A `acf/shortcode/prevent_access` filter is now available to limit what data the ACF shortcode is allowed to access
* Security Enhancement - i18n translated strings are now escaped on output
* Enhancement - ACF now universally uses WordPress file system functions rather than native PHP functions
* Fix - Fatal JS error no longer occurs when editing fields in the classic editor when Yoast or other plugins which load block editor components are installed
* Fix - Using `$escape_html` on get functions for array returning field types no longer produces an Array to string conversion error
* Enhancement - The `get_field()` and other `get_` functions now support an `escape_html` parameter which return an HTML safe field value
* Enhancement - The URL field will be now escaped with `esc_url` rather than `wp_kses_post` when returning an HTML safe value
* Fix - ACF fields will now correctly save into the WordPress created revision resolving issues with previews of drafts on WordPress 6.4 or newer.
* Fix - Multisite subsites will now correctly be activated by the main site where the ACF PRO license allows, hiding the updates page on those subsites
* Fix - Field types in which the `required` property would have no effect (such as the tab, or accordion) will no longer show the option
* Fix - Duplicating a field group now maintains the current page of field groups being displayed
* Fix - Fields in ACF Blocks in edit mode in hybrid themes will now use ACF’s styling, rather than some attributes being overridden by the theme
* Fix - Text in some admin notices will no longer overlap the dismiss button
* Fix - The word `link` is now prohibited from being used as a CPT name to avoid a WordPress core conflict
* Fix - Flexible content layouts can no longer be duplicated over their maximum count limit
* Fix - All ACF notifications shown outside of ACF’s admin screens are now prefixed with the plugin name
* Fix - ACF no longer checks if a polyfill is needed for <PHP7 and the polyfill has been removed.