- True False field: Added new ui setting which renders as a toggle switch
- WYSIWYG field: Added new delay setting which delays tinymce initialization until the field is clicked
- WYSIWYG field: Added compatibility for WP 4.7 toolbar buttons order
- Checkbox field: Added new allow_custom and save_customsettings allowing you to add custom choices
- Select field: Fixed bug where Select2 fields did not correctly use the ‘allow null’ setting
- Clone field: Fixed bug causing save/load issues found when 2 sub fields clone in the same field/group.
- Flexible Content field: Improved popup style and validation messages
- Google Map field: Prevent scroll zoom
- Date picker field: Added better compatibility logic for custom date_format setting found in version < 5.0.0
- API: acf_form() id setting is now used as id attribute in element
- Options page: Fixed incorrect redirect URL from a sub options page
- Field group: Added new post_template location rule (requires WP 4.7)
- Core: Added support for the wp_termmeta table (includes DB upgrade)
- Core: Added new select_2_version setting which can be changed between 3 and 4
- Core: Added new enqueue_select2 setting which can be used to prevent the library from being enqueued
- Core: Added new enqueue_google_maps setting which can be used to prevent the library from being enqueued
- Core: Minor fixes and improvements
- Language: Updated Portuguese translation - thanks to Pedro Mendonca
- Language: Updated Norwegian translation - thanks to Havard Grimelid
- Language: Updated Swedish translation - thanks to Jonathan de Jong
- Language: Updated German translation - thanks to Ralf Koller
- Language: Updated Italian translation - thanks to Davide Pantè
- Language: Updated Swiss German translation - thanks to Raphael Hüni
= 5.4.8 =
* Flexible Content field: Fixed bug in 'layout_title' filter preventing values being loaded correctly
- Time Picker field: Fixed bug preventing default time from being selected
- Date Picker field: Improved compatibility with unix timestamp values
- File field: Fixed validation bugs when used as a sub field (multiple selection)
- Select field: Fixed bug incorrectly allowing a disabled field (hidden by conditional logic) to save values
- API: Added new add_sub_row() function
- API: Added new update_sub_row() function
- API: Added new delete_sub_row() function
- Core: Fixed bug causing ‘sync’ issues with sub clone fields
- Core: Minor fixes and improvements
- Added new filters ‘acf/get_sub_field’ and ‘acf/get_sub_field/type={$type}’
- Added new internal functions including acf_maybe_get_sub_field() and acf_get_terms()
- Improved acf_form_date() logic to better understand unix timestamps vs 8 digit string (YYYYMMDD)
- Fixed incorrect Google map field ‘ID’ used to store map in global JS object
- Improved media popup sidebar attachment details JS logic to better display correct errors
- Minor JS improvement to tinymce activeEditor to avoid JS error on term edit page