Download AI Engine Pro 2.6.8 from nulled fire. AI Engine Pro, a cutting-edge plugin product by Meow Apps.
* Update: Auto Sync Posts now can be set to use a specific environment, index and namespace.
* Fix: Remove many warnings in the JS console.
* Fix: Chatbot with IDs can now be overriden properly.
* Add: Sync Pull (to download remote embeddings - it does not insure that they have content however).
* Update: Better UI for Embeddings.
* Fix: Many fixes linked to AI Search, auto-retrieval of remote embeddings, and the way the data is handled.
* Fix: Minimum Score and Max Embeddings are now working correctly throughout the plugin.
* Fix: Unselecting an embedding environment will now remove the index and the namespace.
* Fix: A bunch of tiny additional fixes.
* Add: Support of multi-environments with embeddings (only Pinecone environments for now, but more will come soon).
* Fix: Various issues when using embeddings without namespaces.
* Fix: Various other little issues.