AMPforWP - Email Opt-in Forms for AMP 1.9.46

Download AMPforWP - Email Opt-in Forms for AMP 1.9.46 from nulled fire. Opt-in forms for AMP in WordPress. Most easiest and the best way to include opt-in forms in AMP.
* Resolved the issue of Zoho CRM Tokens not working, shows Tokens are invalid or Zoho Scope Code is expired.
* Features Added: =
* Added Email Field Placeholder in Klaviyo Integration.
* Added Support of Confirmation mail - Mailpoet3
* Added Recaptcha V3 Support - Mailpoet3

* Bug Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of GetDrip form does not Add Leads/submit the form.
* Feature Added: =* Added Support of Custom Form Validation in MailPoet 3.