AMPforWP - Polylang Integration with AMP 1.2.10

Download AMPforWP - Polylang Integration with AMP 1.2.10 from nulled fire. AMPforWP - Polylang Integration with AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages for Polylang Support.
* Resolved the issue of Search Query not working properly according to current language.
* Bugs Fixed: =
* Resolved the issue of Homepage in breadcrumb list is not redirecting to the current language.
* Resolved the issue of Language switcher not working in Hamburger menu and in the alternative menu below the header as well.
* Resolved the issue of logo in the header points to the English version of the website instead of going to the current translated language.
* Resolved the issue of All static phrases still are not translated.
* Resolved the issue of Content for other languages not visible with URL Modofication Option enabled in Polylang.
* Bug Fixed: =* Resolved the issue of AMP Page builder Content is not showing on the translation page when it is set as custom front page.