Ask Me - Responsive Questions & Answers WordPress 7.0.1

Download Ask Me - Responsive Questions & Answers WordPress 7.0.1 from nulled fire. Ask me is the questions and answers WordPress theme, it’s come with a more features.
=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Last WordPress version ready.
+ Update the last version WooCommerce.
+ Add a new style to choose the width 1300px.
+ Add a new option to remove the title from the add question form.
+ Add a new option when remove the title from question form will choose what’s the number of the words or characters will get from the content.
+ Add a new option to remove the username and email from the question form in non-logged users case.
>> By the last 3 options you can make the from is content only and submit button.
+ Add option to show the question video at the question loop or not.
+ Add option to show the question video before or after content.
+ Add option to set the width for the question video.
+ Add option to choose if you need the question video 100% or not.
+ Add option to set the height for the question video.
+ Add a new option to question categories to choose them by ajax at ask question form.
+ Remove the follow email at the profile and make it with checkbox only if you need to show your email or not at the profile.
+ improved the theme performance and queries.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.

=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Make option at Search tab to choose what’s the default search.
+ Improved the account area for the WooCommerce.
+ Make search at product categories, product tags and products.
+ Make the tags template support product tags.
+ Make the categories template support product categories.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.
=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Make option at Search tab to choose what’s the default search.
+ Improved the account area for the WooCommerce.
+ Make search at product categories, product tags and products.
+ Make the tags template support product tags.
+ Make the categories template support product categories.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.
+ Ready to the last WordPress version.
+ Ready to the last woocommerce version.
+ Add a instagram icon for the social icons.
+ Add a new option at the “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete” to make the question published auto for unlogged user or not.
+ Add a new option at the "Blog & Article settings/Add + Edit + Delete" to make the post published auto for unlogged user or not.
+ Add a new option at the "Answers & comments" to make the answers and comments published auto for unlogged user or not.
+ Add a new option to send email when the question need a review at the “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete”.
+ Add a new option to send email when the post need a review at the “Blog & Article settings/Add + Edit + Delete”.
+ Add 2 email templates for send email when the questions and posts need a review.
+ Add a new option at the Header setting tab to show the video at the all pages, all pages without home page or home page only.
+ Add a new page template “FAQs”.
+ Add a new option at “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete” to choose the category at the ask form is single or multi.
+ Add a new option at “Questions/Add + Edit + Delete” to active ask a anonymously or not?
+ FIXED: bug fixes.