=== New Features, Fixed and Improved ===
+ Make a new option at ask a question widget to open the question at popup or normal link.
+ Fixed question at the top (Sticky).
+ User can send message for other users.
+ Any one can send message without register.
+ Details in send message form is required or not.
+ Editor enable or disable for details in send message form.
+ Active user can delete the messages.
+ Active user can seen the message by send notification.
+ Add a new permission to groups to can send a message.
+ Add a new page template to make search page.
+ Search now support, Questions, Answers, Posts, Comments, Question categories, Question tags, Posts categories, Posts tags and users.
+ Add a new option to active the live search or not.
+ Live search at the top header, the main search and the search page.
+ Make a new page template for the tags.
+ Add a new option to template categories what’s show per page.
+ Add a new option to template categories to choose the categories show for posts or questions.
+ Add a new option to template categories to order by Popular or Name.
+ Add a new option to template categories to order Descending or Ascending.
+ Add a new option to template tags what’s show per page.
+ Add a new option to template tags to choose the tags show for posts or questions.
+ Add a new option to template tags to order by Popular or Name.
+ Add a new option to template tags to order Descending or Ascending.
+ Add a new option to template tags to choose the style is Advanced or Simple.
+ Add a new option to template users what’s show per page.
+ Add a new permission to groups to can upload files.
+ Add a new option to show search at category archives from the breadcrumb.
+ Add a new option to show search at tag archives from the breadcrumb.
+ FIXED: bug fixes.