Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

Download Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin from nulled fire. Asset CleanUp Pro prevent Chosen Scripts & Styles from loading to reduce HTTP Requests.
* "Plugins Manager": Ability to unload plugins (and load them as an exception from any unload rule) on all other taxonomy pages that are detected from other plugins/themes, apart from the default WordPress ones ("category", "post_tag") and some popular ones from WooCommerce: "product_cat" & "product_tag"
* Option to skip "Cache Enabler" cache clearing via using the "WPACU_DO_NOT_ALSO_CLEAR_CACHE_ENABLER_CACHE" constant (e.g. set to 'true' in wp-config.php) - read more: Can you prevent cache clearing of other plugins after Asset CleanUp cache? How to do that? - Asset CleanUp Pro: Documentation
* "Knowledge Base for Documents and FAQs" plugin: Do not show the CSS/JS manager at the bottom of the page when "Edit KB Article Page" is ON
* New "Brizy - Page Builder" setup: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering when the editor is ON
* Fix: "Do not load Asset CleanUp Pro on this page (this will disable any functionality of the plugin)" - if turned ON, make sure the hardcoded list loads fine in the front-end view (Manage CSS/JS)
* "Overview" area: Added notifications about deleted posts, post types, taxonomies and users, making the admin aware that some rules might not be relevant anymore (e.g. the admin uninstalled WooCommerce, but unload rules about "product" post types or a specific product page remained in the database)
* Stopped using the "error" class (e.g. on HTML DIV elements) and renamed it to "wpacu-error" as some plugins/themes sometimes interfere with it (e.g. not showing the error at all, thus confusing the admin)
* Keep the same strict standard for the values within the following HTML attributes: "id", "for" to prevent any errors by avoiding any interferences with other plugins
* Fix: Some rules were not fully exported & imported (e.g. the rules from "termmeta" and "usermeta" tables)
* PHP 8.2.7 compatibility
* New Option: Contract / Expand All Assets within an area (e.g. from a plugin)
* Improvement: Offer a fallback method to fetch the author's information on the author archive page (when unload rules are set within archive author pages)
* Improvement: Only print the notice (as an HTML comment) about the "photoswipe" unload to the administrator (it's a special case where the HTML has to be hidden in case the CSS file gets unloaded)
* Fix: In specific WordPress environments, when rules in "Plugins Manager" are used related to the page type (e.g. unload on all pages belonging to a specific post), the permalinks are not working as expected and they have to be resaved within the Dashboard
* Fix: 'PHP Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in [...]/pro/early-triggers-pro.php'