-NEW: WooCommerce 3.4.5 compatibility
-NEW: WordPress 4.9.8 compatibility
-NEW: Option to disable/enable Custom CSS entirely –
Screen Shot on 2018-09-13 at 14:32:58.png
-NEW: Option to show two products in Carousel in mobile –
Screen Shot on 2018-09-13 at 15:10:46.png
-UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated to version – 5.5.4
-UPDATE: ACF fields plugins updated to latest version – 2.1.0
-FIX: Custom CSS applying extra backslashes
-FIX: Underline appearing under social networks icons
-FIX: General improvements and bug fixes
Note 1: Laborator recommends to not update WooCommerce version newer than 3.4.5 -
before we release compatible version of latest WooCommerce update.