- NEW: 2 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Added dynamic content system to Fusion Builder options allowing you to easily display
post title, post date and other WP data along with custom fields content (ACF) in Fusion Builder element
- NEW: Added animated headline options, both text rotation and text highlights to the Title element
- NEW: Added gradient background color options to Container and Column elements for incredible design freedom
- NEW: A complete set of filter options (hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, inversion, sepia, opacity, blur)
was added to Container and Column elements for awesome design flexibility
- NEW: Added background blend mode option for background images in Container and Column elements
- NEW: Added quick view option to WooCommerce products on archives and elements
- NEW: Added menu overlay animation and styling option for the main menu search
- NEW: Added an Audio element to Fusion Builder for easy displaying and styling of your audio files
- NEW: Added a Video element to Fusion Builder for easy displaying and styling of your self-hosted video files
- NEW: Added a Contact Form 7 and a Gravity Forms element to Fusion Builder
- NEW: Added border color, border hover color and border radius options (replacing button shape option) to Button element
- NEW: Added a rows setting to the Table element for easy table row creation / deletion
- NEW: Added a text color option to the highlight element
- NEW: Updated translation files for Avada and Fusion Builder can now be auto downloaded through the native WP button
- NEW: Page Options import/export is now available in Fusion Builder Live
- NEW: Animation options have been added to the Text element
- NEW: Added option to sort Events Calendar posts descending or ascending in the corresponding element
- NEW: Expanded font display Theme Option, so that also icon fonts can now be set to swap
- NEW: Added a filter (fusion_builder_map) for easy customization of the element attributes
- NEW: Added a filter for related post titles for easy renaming
- IMPROVEMENT: Flyout menu (header v6) can now be closed through use of Esc key
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed custom implementation for usage of localization files
- IMPROVEMENT: Added compatibility for different portfolio post type slugs when using Polylang plugin
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed compatibility support for WooCommerce 3.2
- IMPROVEMENT: Refactoring of several areas in PHP and JS code, removing old compatibility code to improve code base
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed old compatibility styles for dark color scheme
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a fallback to image lazy loading to use image dims in attributes, if they are not available in meta data
- IMPROVEMENT: Added aria-expanded attribute for Toggles element for better accessibility
- UPDATED: Font Awesome now is on version 5.11.2 offering 1545 icons
- UPDATED: Structured data for breadcrumbs to schema.org
- UPDATED: Nice scroll script to prevent a known JS error
- FIXED: Sliding bar not opening on mobile when using classic style
- FIXED: Sliding bar triangle toggle background color being wrong when bottom position is chosen
- FIXED: Gallery lightbox issue on mobiles in landscape orientation, causing image to be stuck or grayed out
- FIXED: Mobile header height and responsiveness being incorrect when using side header and stylesheets are loaded in footer
- FIXED: Default Theme Options not being saved on a fresh install, unless the back-end was visited
- FIXED: Image option text label missing in Screen Options on single posts listing page in dashboard
- FIXED: Social sharing box option not working in Page Options
- FIXED: Button text color being overridden in footer by footer link color
- FIXED: Sticky header menu padding being doubled on RTL sites
- FIXED: Last menu item having incorrect left padding in sticky header on RTL sites
- FIXED: Privacy element missing element icon in back-end builder preview
- FIXED: W3C validation error in toggle element
- FIXED: Small issue with dependent options in FAQ element
- FIXED: JS error when using equal heights in portfolio
- FIXED: Outline on single product add to cart button still showing, even when outlines are turned off in Theme Options
- FIXED: When saving elements to library, check for already existing name fails when using hyphens with white space pre- and suffix
- FIXED: Image dimensions not being added to the HTML markup of Image Before & After element even if available
- FIXED: Button text color on focus and active states not staying the same as on hover
- FIXED: Image lazy load in gallery element messing up positioning when fixed image size is used
- FIXED: Grammarly browser extension in Firefox breaking Fusion Builder back-end text area option width
- FIXED: Column element border radius option not working correctly in IE11 when a background image is used
- FIXED: Main menu drop-down / mega menu slide in option not working when using main menu arrow highlight style
- FIXED: Featured images not displaying for custom post types
- FIXED: Featured images not displaying on Events Calendar photo view archive pages
- FIXED: Image title being incorrect in lightbox for WooCommerce variable products with dedicated images
- FIXED: Variable product images not correctly showing in WooCommerce gallery lightbox when only one featured image is set
- FIXED: When CSS compiler is set to file mode, WooCommerce AJAX requests on checkout page can return incorrect data
- FIXED: Slight misalignment and color issue in paginations using the next/prev text
- FIXED: Some scripts in privacy system incorrectly inserted after user consent was given
- FIXED: Alert element adding inline CSS rule without value in a few setup cases
- FIXED: Empty style type in Section Separator element causing JS error in back-end builder
- FIXED: A few Sharing Box element Theme Options default links being incorrect
- FIXED: Section Separator element is not cloned correctly, when parent Container element gets cloned
- FIXED: Select box option drop-downs being behind the element dialogs in back-end builder when on single Events Calendar posts
- FIXED: Flip Boxes element max-width option not being fully backwards compatible when set on element children
- FIXED: Fusion Builder Live edit link missing from posts listing pages on posts that were quick edited previously
- FIXED: Color pickers on the Fusion Builder Live inline editor not being styled correctly
- FIXED: Custom social icons not displaying correctly in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Fusion Builder Live not loading when Content Boxes element was added without any child elements
- FIXED: Line breaks in Content Boxes element params causing a JS error in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Categories widget causing a JS error in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Adding a new data set in Chart element sometimes changing already set colors in first data set
- FIXED: Column size changes in Fusion Builder Live not being recorded in the history if Fusion Slider is on the page
- FIXED: Option tooltip in Fusion Builder Live library dialog getting cut off when on the right side
- FIXED: Sidebar selection values don't show in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Changes to pricing table element columns not saving correctly in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Placeholder input in typography color pickers displaying although different color was already selected
- FIXED: Nest columns controls in Fusion Builder Live not being visible when using parallax scrolling on parent container
- FIXED: Image Before & After element not correctly rendering inside of Tabs, Toggles and Modal element
- FIXED: Fusion Builder Live icons not working when using SCRIPT_DEBUG constant
- FIXED: Nested descriptions toggling with parent in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Animation options live previews being doubled up in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Flip Box element animations not correctly triggered on Fusion Builder Live preview click
- FIXED: YouTube videos not filling the container in the Fusion Builder Live preview although working correctly on front-end
- FIXED: Quick successive option changes on same element in Fusion Builder Live, not always correctly updating
- FIXED: Padding drag controls and global container outline not displaying correctly in Fusion Builder Live when using image lift-up effect
- FIXED: Fusion Builder Live edit links still showing on posts listing page, when Live Builder is disabled
- FIXED: Nested Columns element content being lost when editing - canceling - re-editing an existing instance
- FIXED: When editing a post for the first time in Fusion Builder Live, changing a Theme Options change resets sidebar to Page Options tab
- FIXED: Container controls not being sticky in Fusion Builder Live on WooCommerce single products pages within tabs content
- FIXED: Child element previews not live updating on option change in wireframe mode of Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Sub-menus being hidden behind page main slider when sliding bar is used in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: A few elements not having a preview in wireframe mode of Fusion Builder Live