Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.14

Download Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.14 from nulled fire. Avada is the #1 selling WordPress theme on the market.
- NEW: 2 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Avada Theme Builder engine for creating fully custom layouts for all kinds of post types and all kinds of site sections
- NEW: Custom Footer Builder allowing for complete freedom in footer building, site-wide or page specific, as part of the Avada Theme Builder
- NEW: Single posts, single portfolio posts and archive pages Builder as part of the Avada Theme Builder
- NEW: 404 Page Builder for fully custom design, as part of the Avada Theme Builder
- NEW: Search Page Builder as part of the Avada Theme Builder
- NEW: Page Title Bar Builder as part of the Avada Theme Builder
- NEW: Added several Theme Builder elements: Content, Archive Content, Pagination, Author, Related Posts, Comments, Featured Image Slider, Project Details
- NEW: Added custom icon set feature to icon pickers; any custom IcoMoon package can be installed
- NEW: Added Widget element, for single widget addition to post contents and live widget editing
- NEW: Added Search element to Fusion Builder for creating a search form anywhere on your pages
- NEW: Added Breadcrumb element to Fusion Builder for easy usage anywhere on your pages
- NEW: Added full design integration with the v2 views version of The Events Calendar 5.0
- NEW: Added possibility to edit saved library elements directly in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added font family option to the Title element
- NEW: A second layout and lots of styling options have been added to the Countdown element
- NEW: Added link, link target, hover colors, background border and animation type options to the Icon element
- NEW: Added autoplay, smooth height, slideshow speed, margin and alignment options to the Slider element
- NEW: Added CSS filter options to the Image element
- NEW: Added link and link hover color options to the Container element
- NEW: Added sensitivity setting to control the change in 100% height scrolling sections
- NEW: Added image link option to the Before & After Image element
- NEW: Added filters to the demo import screen for easier search of fitting demos
- NEW: Added margin options to Avada's Widget Options setup
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to control the loading of block editor relevant styles
- NEW: Layout sections and custom icon sets can now be individually imported from supporting demos
- NEW: Added possibility to import ConvertPlus modules on demo import
- NEW: Added background and text color options (incl. hover styles) to the "Load More Button" settings
- NEW: Added structured data to the FAQ element
- NEW: Added icon size option to the Separator element
- NEW: Added Twitch, Mixer and Discord to social links
- NEW: Added the Avada option UI to Fusion Slider slide panels
- NEW: Added dynamic data options specific to the new layout builder
- NEW: Added animation options to the Title element
- NEW: Added content alignment option to Events element
- NEW: Added possibility to add new library elements directly from the admin screen
- NEW: Added possibility to edit taxonomies of posts and CPTs directly in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Added custom fonts to font families drop-down in the Avada Live Builder inline editor
- NEW: Added easy live search for font families to the Avada Live Builder inline editor
- NEW: Added Modal Text Link element to the Avada Live Builder inline editor
- NEW: Added a new date option to dynamic data, e.g. for easier copyright text creation in site footers
- NEW: Added a filter (fusion_custom_icons) for easy addition of custom icon sets to the icon pickers
- NEW: Added a preference to Avada Live Builder to turn on/off CSS filter options
- NEW: Allow HTML in the content area of the Popover element
- NEW: Added markup filters to all elements for easier output manipulation
- NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9
- NEW: Full compatibility with PHP 7.4
- IMPROVEMENT: Completely revamped and improved out responsive typography setup for better performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Redesigned the UI of icon pickers
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed setup of category and tag options in Fusion Builder elements to improve performance on sites with lots of categories and tags
- IMPROVEMENT: Page Options structuring has been renewed for a more intuitive workflow
- IMPROVEMENT: Added our custom post type taxonomies to the block editor edit screens
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a custom class to allow URL params in anchor links without reloading the entire page
- IMPROVEMENT: Added ARIA labels to portfolio masonry layout links for easier accessibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Menu highlight labels are now dynamically sizing according to menu font size
- IMPROVEMENT: Restructured some Theme Option tabs and updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- IMPROVEMENT: Changed data structure of Fusion Page Options for better loading/saving performance
- IMPROVEMENT: Added custom scrollbars to Avada Live Builder UI
- IMPROVEMENT: "To Top" button settings now live update in Avada Live Builder
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada Live Builder element tabs now fit better on smaller sidebar widths
- IMPROVEMENT: UI for the language switcher in Avada Live Builder is now better
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a loading spinner when adding elements from the library in Avada Live Builder
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item action to the Fusion Builder WooCommerce elements for 3rd party plugin compatibility
- IMPROVEMENT: UI adjustment for Nested Column element inside a Container element with CSS filters for better controls selection
- UPDATED: All Theme Option default values have been updated to reflect a clean and modern design
- UPDATED: Structured data for breadcrumbs is now using JSON-LD format
- UPDATED: Removed deprecated WPML constants
- UPDATED: Made sure select2 library styling is compatible with WooCommerce 3.8.1+ and fixed a few general styling issues
- UPDATED: Font Awesome now is on version 5.12 offering 1553 icons
- UPDATED: ie11CustomProperties.js script to latest version
- UPDATED: Deprecated and replaced usage of avada_jetpack_is_mobile() function
- FIXED: Google fonts subsets don't load correctly when using CDN mode
- FIXED: Undefined variable notice on CPTs
- FIXED: Form placeholder texts not using body font family in all cases
- FIXED: Page title bar background image not being correctly removed from front-end when removed from Theme Options
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with "All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions" plugin where selected choice reset after variation change
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with "WooCommerce YITH Mini Cart Popup" plugin, where the quantity buttons were missing
- FIXED: WooCommerce My Account dropdown in main menu sometimes disappearing on auto fill values for login
- FIXED: H3 titles in tabs not using correct font settings on WooCommerce single product pages
- FIXED: Horizontal tabs border colors wrong in mobile mode on WooCommerce single product pages
- FIXED: WooCommerce cart and checkout button styling being incorrect if Fusion Builder is disabled
- FIXED: WooCommerce single product page tabs background color being controlled by wrong Theme Option
- FIXED: WooCommerce terms & condition page loading stripping out HTML style tags (WooCommerce native issue)
- FIXED: Pagination range options not working with WooCommerce paginations
- FIXED: Column spacing not correctly working on Portfolio archive grids
- FIXED: Equal heights not working on Portfolio taxonomies
- FIXED: Post offset option not working in Portfolio element
- FIXED: Next/previous post pagination page option not working correctly
- FIXED: Image lazy loading not working when JS compiler is used
- FIXED: PHP notice in Fusion Slider template
- FIXED: Blog category page title bar Theme Option not working
- FIXED: PHP warning due to a compatibility issue with PolyLang plugin
- FIXED: WordPress "Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox" not correctly working
- FIXED: Minor issue with Fusion notices setup
- FIXED: PHP notice on default 404 page if Checklist element is disabled
- FIXED: Removed "Default" option from 100% width Page Options on CPTs
- FIXED: Side navigation template click setting not working correctly
- FIXED: Site Width Theme Option setting being set to 100% causing a spacing issue on posts content when sidebars are used
- FIXED: Dynamic CSS file being loaded in head, if file mode isn't used, even if styles are set to be loaded in footer
- FIXED: Sliding bar disappearing for logged-out users on smaller browser width
- FIXED: Heading and Caption background color options showing, even if the background options are disabled
- FIXED: Header background image being doubled on headers v2 and v3, if using transparent top header and a header bg image which is transparent itself
- FIXED: Featured image and sliders taxonomy not correctly being copied when cloning a Fusion Slider slide
- FIXED: Responsive typography interfering with Slider Revolution headings and headings in LayerSlider element
- FIXED: Text flow option of Icon element causing placement issues when icon is added inline in the middle of a text paragraph
- FIXED: Some minor styling issues in the User element
- FIXED: Lift up effect hover overlap issue on columns when using CSS filters
- FIXED: CSS hover filters not being applied to Nested Column element if a column link is set
- FIXED: Some dynamic data options showing in contexts where they are not available
- FIXED: Not all background position settings being correct when using radial gradient direction
- FIXED: Flip Boxes element resize event being triggered on page scroll
- FIXED: YouTube videos not always covering the full height of the container, when used as Container element background videos
- FIXED: Dynamic content not working as a set value with respect to option dependencies
- FIXED: Multiple bulk image uploads in Gallery element leading to some images missing from gallery
- FIXED: Responsive typography not being correctly applied to rotational and highlighted text parts of the Title element
- FIXED: Border radius not working on Nested Column element when a gradient background color is used
- FIXED: Column positioning issue in some cases on RTL layouts
- FIXED: Transparent background not correctly working for Testimonial element main content area
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Yoast SEO key phrase detection
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with Yoast SEO breadcrumbs
- FIXED: PHP notice in Popover element
- FIXED: Image selection being incorrect in Image element when using image and lightbox image and re-editing after initial page save
- FIXED: Events element infinite scroll not working if Portfolio element is disabled
- FIXED: Content Boxes element animations being doubled in some cases
- FIXED: Audio element always looping, even if turned off (WP core bug)
- FIXED: Border radius not working in Tagline element
- FIXED: PHP notice in Widget Area element
- FIXED: Issue with Avada's menu widget rendering
- FIXED: Avada Live Builder showing featured image options even if not enabled on the CPT
- FIXED: Not all the latest demo Theme Options showing in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Loader not correctly removed after partial refresh for masonry layouts in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: JS error on WooCommerce Shop page in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Image option dependencies not always working correctly in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Anchors not always being correctly added when using the Avada Live Builder inline editor
- FIXED: Dynamic data in some cases falling back to static values when other options get updated in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Avada Live Builder UI getting stuck when changing history event while a Nested Column element is open
- FIXED: Gradient background colors being auto added to Nest Column element, if the gradient is set on the parent Column element
- FIXED: Image drag and drop re-ordering not working in the Image Carousel element in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Minor issue with rendering of a few elements inside of a Modal element in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Images not being auto attached to the currently edited post when using the upload button in Post Slider element in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Post status option not working correctly in Blog and Recent Posts elements in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Issue with element in element query data on AJAX calls in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Transparent colors can't be correctly set through the color picker on gradient colors in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: HubSpot forms not rendering correctly when used as part of other elements, like Text element in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Vimeo element not working when using px values in the dimension fields in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Exit Avada Live Builder links redirecting to post instead of category when editing taxonomy pages
- FIXED: WP admin bar toolbar loaded on some redirects to pages in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: JS error happening in some cases in repeater options in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Related posts/projects disappearing in Avada Live Builder when changing options on single posts/portfolio posts
- FIXED: Checklist element padding not being correct in Avada Live Builder when editing WooCommerce product summary
- FIXED: Column element controls color being incorrect i wireframe mode of Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: "Interior content width" option missing for single portfolio posts in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Performance issue because of too frequent re-rendering in tiny MCE editor in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: CSS filter options effecting controls styling in wireframe mode of Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Backup font changes not triggering save button in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Custom container name being incorrectly positioned when using element dialogs in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Compatibility issue on WordPress 5.3 with Avada's custom uncropped image sizes
- FIXED: WPML compatibility for non-English languages when they have different Theme Options
- FIXED: Title element "typing" animation effect not working in Safari
- FIXED: Minor accessibility issue, where sub-menus used role="menu"
- FIXED: WordPress native YouTube embeds overflowing content into sidebar area
- FIXED: Image removal in Fusion Builder Live not working for element image options.
- FIXED: Fusion Builder Live history states not working correctly for Container/Column element margins/paddings
- FIXED: Saving of elements to the library in Fusion Builder Live not working
- FIXED: Video element border radius option not correctly updating in Fusion Builder Live
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to enable/disable the automatic language updates
- NEW: Added a Theme Options that allows you to set a custom text for the excerpt read more [...]
- NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8
- NEW: Compatibility with WordPress 5.3
- NEW: Added HubSpot to our recommended plugins
- IMPOVEMENT: Moved Element Appearance Animations option to the Animation tab in Theme Options and combined desktop and mobile setting
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Builder Live element sidebar auto re-opening now when exiting the preview mode
- IMPROVEMENT: Added visibility, animations and CSS class and ID option to Audio element
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the reset to default icons to the color options of Audio element
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- FIXED: Issue with structured data when Yoast breadcrumbs are used
- FIXED: Some Button element options not being applied correctly because they are overridden by Theme Option defaults
- FIXED: Button text color in footer being overwritten with footer link color
- FIXED: Privacy consent text on YouTube/Vimeo elements not being visible
- FIXED: Equal heights in blog element not always being correct when using infinite scroll or load more pagination
- FIXED: Logo margins being added, even if no logo is used
- FIXED: Form focus color not working for the WooCommerce drop-down arrow box
- FIXED: WooCommerce specific dynamic data missing on back-end product editing pages
- FIXED: A small accessibility issue with Toggle element
- FIXED: Title element highlight animations replaying on iPhones on scroll
- FIXED: Some slanted/italic fonts sometimes being cut off in the title element
- FIXED: Typo in Column element class that causes issue with image lazy loading
- FIXED: Rotation animations on Title element sometimes causing a flash of text on page load and re-looping on page resize
- FIXED: CSS animations on mobile option interfering with Title element animation/rotation options
- FIXED: Container and Column elements without any parameters causing a JS error on the back-end editor
- FIXED: Before & After element not correctly displaying the after image on RTL languages in some cases
- FIXED: Some CSS map files causing network loading errors
- FIXED: Select field scrolling conflict between dynamic content elements and Yoast SEO in back-end editor
- FIXED: Featured image dynamic data on Container element background invoking loading spinners on child element in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Fusion Builder Live element controls hover colors being incorrect on blog posts
- FIXED: Main menu search layout option duplicating the menu in Fusion Builder Live when a dedicated sticky menu is set
- FIXED: Hover Type option preview button not working correctly for Column element in Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Column sizer popup in Fusion Builder Live being cut off when using parallax scrolling on the wrapping container
- FIXED: Gallery element border radius not working correctly when using "round" as value in Fusion Builder Live