Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.14

Download Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.14 from nulled fire. Avada is the #1 selling WordPress theme on the market.
- SECURITY FIX: Possible XSS attacks from users with contributor role, which would allow them to edit,
delete or create posts that don't belong to themselves

- FIXED: Widget options not loading correctly in Widget element in back-end builder
- FIXED: Import and assignment of global layout sections not working on demo import
- FIXED: Anchor scrolling not working correctly in IE11 and Safari below version 13
- FIXED: Google map top margin not correctly working on the contact page template
- FIXED: RTL positioning issue of heading and icon in Content Boxes element for some layouts
- FIXED: CSS selector for filters in Column element being incorrect in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: fusion_portfolio_scripts() function call in Fusion Core causing fatal error, when Fusion Builder plugin is deactivated
- FIXED: Fixed PHP notice in comments.php
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- IMPROVEMENT: Added woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby filter and added a default value for it in case the option is unset
- FIXED: Page Options (e.g. Fusion Slider settings) being wiped out after save in some cases
- FIXED: "No Sidebar" changing to "Default Sidebar" in the Page Option select after save (front-end correct)
- FIXED: WPML / PolyLang "All languages" saving of Theme Options not working
- FIXED: Page Option migration looping, if no Page Options have been set
- FIXED: Background pattern in Theme Options for outer page area not working correctly
- FIXED: Increased performance for post meta retrieving by reducing function calls
- FIXED: Removed Page Option migrations from attachments and WooCommerce orders
- FIXED: Header background color opacity missing in Fusion Taxonomy Options
- FIXED: Latin characters in fonts set through Theme Option font pickers not always displaying correctly
- FIXED: "Previous" and "Next" strings in lightbox not being translatable
- FIXED: "Email" string in social icons not being translatable
- FIXED: Events Calendar archive AJAX requests always only displaying one post
- FIXED: Featured image column size not correctly working in Page Options for portfolio posts
- FIXED: Page Options for changing the link target on singe portfolio posts not working correctly
- FIXED: Link color for read more buttons being incorrect in Content Box element if Container element link colors are set
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs text color being overridden by Container element link color
- FIXED: Gravity Form submit button styling in webkit browsers
- FIXED: Custom CSS class name missing white space in Widget element
- FIXED: Product search page using global page sidebars instead of global search page ones
- FIXED: Header icon border circle being incorrect for search icon on header 6
- FIXED: JS error on widget editing page when Editor User Role plugin is active
- FIXED: Removed get_post_metadat filter from Avada's own retrieval function to avoid compatibility issues
- FIXED: Semitransparent background color being doubled up on Testimonial element in clean layout
- FIXED: Featured image markup missing = sign for the aria label
- FIXED: 100% scrolling sections leading to white space areas when using the navigation bar and switching between last element and previous ones
- FIXED: Page Options import not working on the back-end editor
- FIXED: PHP notice on portfolio post back-end editor
- FIXED: WordPress default form styles being disabled in back-end
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with some third-party plugins if widget class names are undefined
- FIXED: Title element typing effect not working in IE11 / Edge
- FIXED: Vertical menu widget CSS based options not working correctly
- FIXED: Some dynamic data fields from ACF Pro missing in the back-end editor
- FIXED: Custom 404 layout not working when permalink structure uses the category name in the links
- FIXED: Custom 404 layout doubles content when when permalink structure uses blog/%postname%/
- FIXED: Content width incorrect on default 404 page when global posts sidebar is used
- FIXED: Column CSS filter values applied to to two different instances when layout sections are used in Avada Theme Builder
- FIXED: Spacing between portfolio posts missing when displaying them through the Archive element in Avada Theme Builder
- FIXED: Number of columns option not saving for the Archive element in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Posts per page and Pagination option not correctly working for the Archive element in the Avada Theme Builder
- FIXED: Flyout menu icon being hidden when changing its size in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Show / hide option for page title bar not working for portfolio posts in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Minor positioning issue sometimes happening for inline elements in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Sliding bar icon not being removed correctly when sliding bar is disabled in Avada Live Builder
- FIXED: Selected sidebars in option panel not always showing correctly in Avada Live Builder
- NEW: Theme Option to set WordPress big image size threshold
- NEW: Option to disable widget titles in Widget element and through Avada Widget Options
- NEW: Added smooth anchor scrolling to Fusion Slider full slide links
- UPDATED: Popularity clause for WooCommerce product ordering, which fixes potential compatibility issues
- FIXED: Compatibility issues between the new widget element and several 3rd party plugin widgets
- FIXED: Fusion Core missing a conditional check for a class in Fusion Builder, which can lead to a fatal error if Fusion Builder is not active
- FIXED: Archive element requires Blog element to be active to work correctly
- FIXED: Sidebar options not working correctly on archives
- FIXED: Sidebars not working correctly on bbPress pages
- FIXED: Single posts of CPTs not using the blog sidebar Theme Options
- FIXED: Layout section sidebars being overwritten by global sidebar options
- FIXED: Breadcrumb element separator option not being correctly escaped
- FIXED: Error in global layouts, if layout section gets deleted directly but was not unassigned from layout
- FIXED: Self-hosted videos not working in Fusion Slider element
- FIXED: Mobile preview image for self-hosted videos in Fusion Slider element not displaying
- FIXED: Fusion Slider button link placeholders still displaying, even if options were already saved empty
- FIXED: PHP notices in Fusion Slider and Widget element
- FIXED: Issue in Events element where upcoming events have not been calculated correctly
- FIXED: Conditions system not working correctly for some taxonomies in Avada Theme Builder
- FIXED: Layout overrides not working in some cases on archives
- FIXED: Custom CSS field contents not correctly saving when using Fusion Builder Live
- FIXED: Copyright link hover Theme Option not working
- FIXED: Issue in WooCommerce cart handling, which could lead to fatal error in some cases
- FIXED: "Show First Featured Image" not working correctly on CPTs
- FIXED: FAQ element schema JSON-LD producing invalid data
- FIXED: Portfolio element excerpt length option not working correctly
- FIXED: Page Title Bar can't be disabled through Page Options on single posts
- FIXED: Portfolio rollover link icon target not working
- FIXED: Search form placeholder text not being translatable
- FIXED: Events Tickets quantity boxes not being correctly styled when tickets are assigned to pages by the Ticket metabox
- FIXED: Some of Avada's admin notice boxes appearing again, even if they have been dismissed previously
- FIXED: Previewing a page removes Fusion Slider from Page Options assignment
- FIXED: Global elements only being accessible for admin users
- FIXED: Custom color palettes only available for admin users
- FIXED: Fusion Builder not being auto-enabled correctly for corresponding post types, if settings have been saved prior to 6.2
- FIXED: Recent Posts element responsive images setup for thumbnails on side layout
- FIXED: Check for blocks causing a fatal error on WordPress versions below 5.0
- FIXED: "Pre-Built Page" button on blank pages in Fusion Builder Live not working
- FIXED: Minor option dependency issue for the Image Before & After link option
- FIXED: Minor JS error on media library admin screen when ACF Pro plugin is enabled
- FIXED: Responsive typography not working correctly in IE11