Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.13

Download Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.13 from nulled fire. Avada is the #1 selling WordPress theme on the market.
- NEW: Added new border width and border radius options for form fields
- NEW: Added new "clean" design option for search forms across the site
- NEW: Added new text transform option to button element
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to set hover color for breadcrumb links
- NEW: Added new layout (floated inputs) to login/registration elements
- NEW: Added "remember me" checkbox option to login element
- NEW: Added max width option to image element, to control the maximum space an image would take up
- NEW: All option color pickers now support RGBA colors
- IMPROVEMENT: Doubled the performance of get_attachment_id_from_url() function for better page load times
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed a few not needed font awesome assets from package
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that WP's native comment-reply.js is always loaded in footer
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
- IMPROVEMENT: Container element now supports all CSS units for margin and padding options
- IMPROVEMENT: Added several UI improvements to the new chart element
- FIXED: Issue with menu icons stored in old format leading to display issues after font awesome 5 update
- FIXED: Incorrect parameter setup for fusion_is_hundred_percent_template filter
- FIXED: The Events Calendar activation redirection kicking in, when activating plugin on demo install screen
- FIXED: Tooltip arrow size and color on Events Calendar month view
- FIXED: Variation thumbnail size in Avada's WooCommerce gallery
- FIXED: Content box element horizontal timeline not being visible when boxes have non-transparent background
- FIXED: Content box element custom image icons not being fully centered on layouts with icon on top
- FIXED: Alignment option not working in image element, when bottom shadow styling is used
- FIXED: RTL issues on the WooCommerce my-account login page and on cart page
- FIXED: Display issue with the backend post table on screens below 782px
- FIXED: Added several icons that previously were font awesome based to our system icon font
- FIXED: Metadata container on blog archives not correctly removed when no metadata is displayed, causing some extra spacing
- FIXED: Issue in value sanitation class, when using CSS calc() in options
- FIXED: Modal element close icon not changing color correctly based on chosen background color
- FIXED: Login/registration elements adding heading tag markup even if no heading is set
- FIXED: Login/registration elements not respecting custom form field settings
- FIXED: Several plural forms for string translations
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WP versions below 4.6 because of usage of wp_get_attachment_caption()
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with WP versions below 4.9 because of usage of wp_enqueue_code_editor()
- FIXED: Potential compatibility issue with other plugins in Avada's menu options script
- FIXED: Column lift up hover effect being partially hidden, when using animated columns
- FIXED: Mobile flyout menu causing gap when being closed while header is sticky and secondary header being used
- FIXED: Animation offset default not correctly set for nested columns
- NEW: 3 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Fusion Builder Chart element for rendering 6 different chart types along with dozens of customization options
- NEW: Fusion Builder Before / After and Image Switch element with various design styles, customization options and more
- NEW: Fusion Builder Syntax Highlighter element for front end code rendering the way you want it, click to copy, style it your way
- NEW: Fusion Builder Text element now allows to use split columns for running text and inline elements along with design options
- NEW: Fusion Builder Checklist element now has an options to set divider lines and divider colors and a new Theme Option to set the item size
- NEW: Fusion Builder Alert element has new options to align content (left/center/right) set text transform and to enable/disable the dismissal button
- NEW: Avada Tabs widget now offers both clean and classic design styles to fit your site design consistently
- NEW: Avada Tab Widget now offers a Post Design feature that allows you to display the featured image as a square / circle or no image with the date
- NEW: Added image hover types and link targets to the Avada 125x125 Ads widget
- NEW: Masonry layouts now support 2x2 images for extra large image rendering and more creative layouts
- NEW: Masonry aspect ratio settings (1x1/landscape/portrait/2x2) have been added for image attachments to allow total control over every image
- NEW: Integration of Font Awesome 5 which offers almost 300 more icons to use throughout the entire theme
- NEW: Sliding bar now has padding options for all layouts along with a new width option and column layout options for the left/right layouts
- NEW: Single post titles will automatically change to an H1 tag for better SEO when the page title bar is disabled
- NEW: Single post extra section headings automatically changing to an H2 tag for better SEO when the page title bar is disabled
- NEW: Added complete typography options (font family, size, weight, letter spacing, color, etc.) for post titles and single post page extra section headings
- NEW: Boxed mode outer background image settings can also be used on wide layouts now and are called "Page Background" settings in Theme Options
- NEW: Page Background settings now have full option overrides in Fusion Page Options
- NEW: Changed to new Vimeo embed API and removed usage of deprecated Froogaloop library
- NEW: Updated all premium bundled plugins to latest version as of release date
- NEW: Added Yoast SEO plugin to our Avada plugins page since it is fully supported, recommended and easier to install
- IMPROVEMENT: Image title and captions will now show in WooCommerce product image lightbox
- IMPROVEMENT: The .min suffix is now added to all compiler created JS and CSS files to improve 3rd party compatibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Added style integration for select2 drop downs
- IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce My Account menu dropdown no longer closes on username auto completion
- IMPROVEMENT: Menu anchor scrolling for 100% height scrolling sections is now a lot smoother
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for The Events Calendar customizer options
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several descriptions to improve option explanations
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated URL protocol check implementation of dynamic CSS files for better compatibility with CDNs
- IMPROVEMENT: Alt attribute of slider fallback images is now auto pulled
- IMPROVEMENT: Added auto line breaks for very long URLs without hyphens in The Events Calendar sidebars to prevent overflow
- IMPROVEMENT: Dashboard performance is now optimized when using many tags or blog categories
- IMPROVEMENT: Added filters to change alt tag of the site logo image, blog element pagination, and compiled CSS/JS files
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Builder API - Icon picker option can now be used multiple times in one Fusion Builder element
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Builder API - Custom heading and description can now be set for sortable parent/child Fusion Builder elements
- FIXED: Blog medium layouts being incorrectly styled when using Fusion Builder in single posts and full post content on blog archive pages
- FIXED: Logo doubled on mobiles when using header v7 and dedicated sticky menu
- FIXED: Outer background image not being displayed correctly on archive pages when framed boxed layout is used
- FIXED: Dedicated sticky menu not being visible on mobile sticky flyout menu
- FIXED: Logo being behind overlay when mobile flyout menu is opened
- FIXED: WooCommerce product sorting not working correctly in v3.3 when default sorting is set to price
- FIXED: Overall price for product bundles not being correct in WooCommerce menu cart widget when using product bundles add-on
- FIXED: WooCommerce woocommerce_order_details_after_order_table_items filter missing from our override
- FIXED: WooCommerce single product shortcode using the WooCommerce default column amount setting
- FIXED: WooCommerce product image zoom not working on touch screen devices when tapping the images on single products
- FIXED: Displaying first feature image on pages being disabled by default in Fusion Page Options
- FIXED: Boxed icon background color option not always showing in social links widget
- FIXED: Link selector field missing posts under certain circumstances
- FIXED: Selection of pre defined theme color schemes in Theme Options resetting menu typography options
- FIXED: Navigation styling not respecting Theme Option styling settings when using the <nextpage> delimiter
- FIXED: Sticky sidebars on mobile causing page jump when scrolling down to page footer
- FIXED: Styling issue with element color pickers in RTL mode
- FIXED: A few RTL styling issues on back end admin pages
- FIXED: Fusion Builder sticky bar not always being correctly displayed on small screens and in one column view
- FIXED: Custom ID and class in gallery element not being applied on front end
- FIXED: Content boxes with vertical timeline layout and empty content area displaying timeline too long
- FIXED: Isotope layout being messed up after AJAX complete when using The Events Calendar shortcode with photo view
- FIXED: Previous/next navigation being incorrectly aligned on portfolio single post pages
- FIXED: Previous/next navigation being incorrect when using recent versions of Post Types Order plugin
- FIXED: Pagination using text display not having correct link color on the arrows
- FIXED: Content boxes animation settings inheritance from parent to child not working correctly
- FIXED: Flip boxes animation settings being restricted to icons only, which will be applied to full boxes now
- FIXED: Smooth height not working on post slider element
- FIXED: Google maps tooltips not closing for all markers when tooltips are set to be invisible on load
- FIXED: JS error when using YouTube and Vimeo videos in two consecutive slides when using Fusion Slider
- FIXED: Container element Vimeo background videos not correctly muted and autoplayed
- FIXED: Check for deprecated excerpt length parameter in blog element being wrong which caused very old shortcodes to render excerpts incorrectly
- FIXED: Fusion Slider loop issue when using YouTube video
- FIXED: Fusion Slider taxonomy being publicly queryable
- FIXED: Slider fallback images being added to the DOM even if no slider is shown
- FIXED: Missing backend icons when Avada is active without Fusion Builder
- FIXED: Font awesome element preview incorrectly displayed in Fusion Builder
- FIXED: Flickering of flip boxes in IE11 browser
- FIXED: Image elements with bottom shadow overflowing container in IE11 browser
- FIXED: Person element image lift up hover effect leading to overflow in IE11 browser
- FIXED: JS scripts added to text element being executed in text element preview
- FIXED: Font weight explicitly applied to "bypostauthor" class which resulted in styling issue for certain fonts
- FIXED: 100% height center content option not disabled on mobile even if 100% height is disabled
- FIXED: Sliding bar positioning issue when using right positioning together with smooth scroll
- FIXED: Auto update class not using function_exists check for get_plugins function which could cause potential errors
- FIXED: Invalid HTML markup being added to vertical menu widget if no menu was selected
- FIXED: Flickering issue in Theme Options when using search mode and hovering different tabs
- FIXED: JS file loading issue on Avada FAQ admin page
- FIXED: Recent posts element column rendering being incorrect
- FIXED: A few db queries that were not properly prepared
- FIXED: Bug in Fusion Builder custom CSS field that made deleting all contents when backslash is used impossible
- FIXED: Top menu sub-menus on deeper levels showing siblings instead of navigating to the actual page when being clicked
- FIXED: PHP 7.2 error notice regarding usage of count function on non array variable in class-avada-nav-walker.php
- FIXED: PHP 7.2.2 notice thrown in the ThemeFusion news widget in WP backend
- FIXED: Parent/child option dependencies not working correctly in some Fusion Builder elements
- FIXED: Option dependencies for grid color settings in portfolio element not being correct in all cases
- FIXED: Flip box element missing default for icon circle option
- FIXED: Compatibility issue on variable WooCommerce products caused by AliDropship Woo Plugin
- FIXED: Next/previous arrows in lightbox sometimes missing when lightbox was closed on first/last image and then reopened
- FIXED: Slider positioning through Fusion Page Options not working correctly on main WooCommerce shop page
- FIXED: Gallery isotope grid layouts messing blog/portfolio isotope layouts when used inside of them
- FIXED: When CSS compiler is off Fusion Builder enqueued non minified shortcode, animation and lightbox style files instead of minified
- FIXED: Menu being incorrectly resized after AJAX complete when sticky header is active and menu background style is used
- FIXED: Font Awesome icons floating out of wrappers in tabs, toggle and testimonial elements
- FIXED: Page background not being full page height when using 100% background image and sticky footer
- FIXED: Added width and height attributes to testimonial element images
- FIXED: One page scrolling from external page not working when anchor uses special chars
- FIXED: Icons in icon picker of Avada Menu Options popup being duplicated when same item is opened several times
- FIXED: H4 headings in footer and sidebars not inheriting all h4 typography settings of from Theme Options
- FIXED: Post meta data not displaying at all when set to be below title and title was disabled
- FIXED: Menu padding doubled on RTL sites when using background highlight style
- FIXED: PHP warning caused by the_title filter in breadcrumb class being applied with only one parameters
- FIXED: Portfolio load more button removal script hiding all load more buttons on page when portfolio is fully loaded
- FIXED: Portfolio infinite scroll not always loading next posts correctly when using masonry layout
- FIXED: Font awesome stylesheet being double enqueued
- FIXED: Sub-pixel bug in masonry script to correct layout issues on certain setups
- FIXED: Page title bar blog option not hiding bar correctly when retina image is used
- NEW: Full support of WooCommerce 3.3
- NEW: Updated all premium bundled plugins to latest version as of release date
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to set a custom link URL for the site logo
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to set the icon circle bg color for separator element
- NEW: Added filter for easier changes of secondary (top) header content
- NEW: Replaced the select2 JS library with selectWoo library for better 3rd party compatibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the post ID as class to portfolio element posts to make CSS targetting easier
- IMPROVEMENT: Made Fusion Page Options available on Event Espresso single event screens
- FIXED: PHP fatal error when Fusion Builder is active without Avada
- FIXED: PHP fatal error on view order page, if a product of the order was already deleted from db
- FIXED: Border on tab missing on My-Account view order pages, when using WooCommerce horizontal tabs layout
- FIXED: Select2 library conflict with Events Calendar Pro list widget on backend
- FIXED: Links in lists inside the widget area element being displayed as block elements
- FIXED: Smooth scroll for on page anchors not working if header is turned off in Page Options
- FIXED: PHP fatal error on PHP 7+ in recent posts element, when retrieving posts by tags
- FIXED: PHP 7.2 compatibility issue happening on Theme Options save, causing a PHP notice
- FIXED: Page Option dependency with the rollover custom link icon
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling to begin of 100% height scrolling section not working on setups like Adventure demo
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling position incorrect on mobiles when anchor is inside 100% height scrolling section
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling not working on mobiles when JS compiler is off
- FIXED: Flip boxes column alignment issue on desktop
- FIXED: Content boxes column alignment issue on tablet portrait mode
- FIXED: Icon circle bg color in separator element being used, even if circle was turned off
- FIXED: Default mobile menu font color not changing with color scheme