Barn2 Media - Document Library Pro 1.13.6

Download Barn2 Media - Document Library Pro 1.13.6 from nulled fire. Document Library Pro add documents and display them in a searchable document library with filters.
* Tweak: Added ACF and EPT custom fields to import options.
* Tweak: Added folder category descriptions filter hook.
* Fix: Fixed loading icon not showing on folders.
* Dev: Normalized shortcode arguments.
* Tweak: Add support for the Sort facet in the FacetWP integration.
* Fix: Some special characters were not allowed when selecting documents by custom field, or when using the search box.
* Dev: Updated Barn2 libraries and dependencies.
* New: Download counts - track the number of downloads for each document with the option to display it on the table and grid layouts.
* New: Document author taxonomy which can be displayed on the table and single document.
* New: Set the number of columns to display in the grid layout.
* New: Options to sort folders.
* New: Change the permalink for the single document URL.
* New: Taxonomy dropdown filters added to the document list page in wp-admin.