Barn2 Media - Easy Digital Downloads EU VAT 1.5.24

Download Barn2 Media - Easy Digital Downloads EU VAT 1.5.24 from nulled fire. Simple and robust plugin to ensure your EDD store meets the European VAT regulations.
* Tweak: updated EDD Invoices integration to conditionally replace templates based on the country of origin of an order.
* Tweak: backwards compatible filters for "VAT number" inside Payments exports.
* Fix: PHP warning when name or address are not defined in the VIES API response.
* Tweak: added "EU MOSS Number" (EU code) as selectable country under the EU Vat settings panel.
* Tweak: added "Northern Ireland" (XI code) as selectable country under the EU Vat settings panel.
* Tweak: use the EDD Store country name in invoices and receipts when the "EU Moss Number" country is selected.
* Fix: make sure that the trader address property exists when checking consultation number.
* Dev: added edd_vat_invoice_address_country_code filter.
* Fix: WordPress crashes when EDD is disabled without disabling EDD EU VAT first