Beaver Builder Plugin Pro 2.8.5

Download Beaver Builder Plugin Pro 2.8.5 from nulled fire. Beaver Builder Plugin Pro and Agency is drag and drop frontend WordPress page builder plugin.
Video Module: Add support for WebM as the main video type not just fallback (#1669)
Stats: Collect data on usage of iFrame UI and Legacy UI (#3711)
Add parameter to [fl-safe] shortcode to allow for a custom message to be displayed in the UI (#3723)

Bug Fixes
Fixed deleting a blank column causing the dom nodes for the entire layout to be deleted in Themer layouts (#3752)
Accordion Module (a11y): Fix issue when FontAwesome plugin is active (#3648)
Accordion Module: tweak font CSS so it's not as easily overridden (#1756)
Button Module: Fix background color not working on PHP 7.4 and small issue with border hover color (#3709 & 3729)
Border Field: Tweak code to ensure there's proper checking for top right border radius (#3716)
List Module: Fix icon not rendering if using shared icon (#3806)
Map Module: fix error when using field connections and custom field is left blank (#3505)
Menu Module (a11y): fix aria-haspopup being on the wrong element (#3236)
Post Carousel & Post Slider Modules: Fix posts displaying if no result when ACF relationship is used (#1323)
Slideshow Module: Fix rendering issues with FSE themes (#2967)
Video Module: Fix videos not using mp4 or webm extension no longer displaying and fix videos being forced to a 16:9 format (#3733 & 3765)
Outline Panel: Fix error when using a Slider Revolution widget (#3706)
WooCommerce: Fix compatibility with Restaurant for WooCommerce Plugin (#3724)
Multi-Site: ensure error message fires when you try to use an incompatible BB version (#3509)
Row settings: Only show vertical align when needed (#2988)
Security: Sanitize settings fields that are used in HTML attributes
Security: Sanitize settings used in JS in the Numbers module
Fix potential for XSS with links when inline editing is enabled(#3727)