BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine 3.1.3

Download BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine 3.1.3 from nulled fire. BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge.
Bug Fixes
- fixed a display issue with shuffle button on full screen overlay.
- fixed a typo in seo meta tags on playlist pages.
- fixed an issue with image sometimes not uploading from custom page editor.
- corrected volume bar display issues on some older mobile browsers.
- fixed an issue with settings sometimes not persisting when saving from admin area.
- fixed an issue where sometimes incorrect tracks were imported for album from spotify.

- improved search for artists that have accented characters in their name.
- added an option to confirm user's email when creating user from admin.
- improved playlist modal appearance on mobile.
- added support for more ad providers.

- Homepage can now be changed from settings page.
Bug Fixes
  1. corrected reset password url in the email sent to user.
  2. adding several missing permissions to users/groups pages in admin area.
  3. corrected an issue where permissions could not be added to to user on some servers.
  4. show lyrics for clicked song and not currently playing song via context menu.
  5. corrected wikipedia language code setting in admin area > settings page.
  6. added proper seo tags to homepage
  7. prevent radio page from overflowing if track or album has unusually long name.
  8. added a few missing language lines to translations page.
  9. fixed an issue where only one public playlist would appear in user's profile page.
  10. allow genre names and other settings to contain all valid utf-8 characters.
  11. highlight track name on mobile when that track is playing
  12. fixed playlist track re-ordering via drag and drop on firefox.
  13. fixed playback overlap when switching from youtube to custom uploaded track or vice versa.
  14. properly set default volume from settings page to custom uploaded tracks.

  1. added an option to disable automatic opening of video overlay on mobile in settings page.
  2. improved validation errors display on mobile.
  3. use POST request if DELETE or PUT requests are disabled on server.
  4. use custom genres specified in settings page, even if genre provider is not set to "local"
  5. usernames in followers and followed pages in user profile will now link to that user's profile page.
  6. allow svg icons to be used in page editor.
  7. added generated sitemap index url in settings page.
- Track duration will now be automatically set when uploading a custom music track.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect album urls when editing an artist from admin area.
- Fixed some grammar mistakes in english and original translation files.
- Fixed an issue with facebook login sometimes not working.
- Fixed an issue with existing artist page sometimes showing 404 error.