+ Added an ability to export the selected fields in Appointments, Customer and etc. tabs;

+ Added a new filter for the New Booking events. Appointment created from (Backend, Frontend, Both) filter;

+ Added a new feature for staff and customers to log in;

+ Payment gateways order can be changed for Booknetic's frontend Booking Panel;

+ The time Restriction on the Customer Panel add-on also applies to the Change status option now;

+ Added Necessary Appointment status feature on Google Calendar;

+ Improvements on the stylesheet;

+ Fixed the bug related to the Recurring step staying idle on booking;

+ Fixed the bug related to the color picker on Appearances;

+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Fixed the 500 error related to the v3.2.6 release;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Giftcards in Deposit payments;

+ Fixed the bug related to the Any staff option while booking with the multi-booking feature;

+ Fixed the issue related to the Waiting List informational text on the Confirmation step;

+ Fixed the issue related to the 12-hour clock format;

+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs, conflicts;