Booster Plus for WooCommerce 7.2.2

Download Booster Plus for WooCommerce 7.2.2 from nulled fire. Supercharge your WordPress WooCommerce site with these awesome powerful features.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - Belarusian ruble code updated (from `BYR` to `BYN`).
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - Advanced Options - "Save Converted Product Prices in Array" option added.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - "Per product options style" option added.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Per product settings (`inline`) restyled.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Prices and Currencies by Country - Groups - "Admin Title" option added.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Product Open Pricing (Name Your Price) - Admin settings restyled.
* Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - "Round single product price" option added.
* Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - `wcj_is_product_wholesale_enabled()` - "Products to exclude" option fixed.
* Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Add to Cart Button Labels - Module renamed (was "Add to Cart Labels").
* Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Passing product object to shortcodes (instead of product id).
* Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Custom Price Labels - Admin settings restyled etc.
* Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - More Button Labels - "Override Default Text" option added.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart - "Add to Cart Button Position Options" section added.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart - Module renamed (was "Product Add to Cart").
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - Per Product - "Content" options added.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - "Per Category" options added.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Add to Cart Button Visibility - Initial module release (copied from "Product Add to Cart - Add to Cart Button Disabling").
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Quantity" options added.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Admin settings minor restyling.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by User Role - Settings (meta box) restyled.
* Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML Feeds - Admin settings - Minor changes.
* Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Cart Custom Info - Admin settings minor restyling.
* Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Core Fields - Override Fields - `required` added to options.
* Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Info - Admin settings minor restyling.
* Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Customization - Customize "Returning customer?" message option added.
* Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Admin order edit - Customer's VAT number added on admin customer select and on "Load billing address".
* Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Admin order edit - "Validate VAT and remove taxes" button added.
* Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Custom Gateways - Advanced Options - Gateways Input Fields - "Add 'Delete' button" option added.
* Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Country or State - Admin settings description updated. Minor code refactoring.
* Fix - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways by Currency - Admin settings - `$paypal_allowed_currencies_and_names` type fixed (changed to array).
* Dev - PAYMENT GATEWAYS - Gateways Fees and Discounts - "WooCommerce PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway" (by WooCommerce) plugin support added.
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Admin settings - Minor restyling.
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Outputting "You have Free delivery" if free shipping is available without order minimum amount (e.g. coupon).
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Left to Free Shipping - Admin settings - Minor restyling.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Orders Renumerate Tool - More info added when sequential number generation is enabled.
* Fix - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - `add_order_number_meta()` - Bug fixed (when "Number Generation" is set to "Order ID").
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Admin settings - Minor restyling.
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - "Sequential: Reset Counter" option added.
* Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - "Country by IP" section added.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - "Advanced" submodule added (some settings moved from "General", "Styling" and "Display & Misc." sections).
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Display - Admin order meta box - Message if no document types are enabled added.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Admin settings minor restyling.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Report Tool Options - Report Columns - "Cart Total Excl. Tax", "Shipping Total Excl. Tax", "Cart Tax", "Shipping Tax", "Cart Tax %", "Shipping Tax %" columns added.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Report Tool Options - "Report Columns" option added.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - Report Tool Options - "Tax Percent Precision" option added.
* Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Templates - Admin settings minor restyling.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - Log tool restyled.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Admin Tools - "Show Variable Product Pricing Table" option added.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Modules By User Roles - Initial module release.
* Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Customers - Flag images fixed.
* Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Customers - Country sets updated.
* Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_tcpdf_rectangle]` shortcode added.
* Dev - Shortcodes - General - `[wcj_tcpdf_barcode]` and `[wcj_barcode]` - Code refactoring (corresponding functions added to `wcj-functions-general.php`).
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `currency` attribute added to all shortcodes which use `wcj_price_shortcode()` function.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_tcpdf_barcode]` shortcode added.
* Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `item_subtotal_tax_excl`, `item_subtotal_tax_incl`, `line_subtotal_tax_excl`, `line_subtotal_tax_incl` and `line_subtax` columns fixed for "custom" items (i.e. "shipping and discount as item") for WC from v3.0.0.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_items_table]` - `product_barcode` column added.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - `[wcj_order_profit]` and `[wcj_order_items_cost]` shortcodes added.
* Dev - Shortcodes - Products - `[wcj_product_barcode]` shortcode added.
* Dev - Functions - General - `wcj_tcpdf_barcode()` - Border removed.
* Dev - Functions - Booster Core - `wcj-functions-core.php` file renamed to `wcj-functions-booster-core.php`.
* Dev - Functions - "Core" functions file added.
* Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - `wcj_get_saved_exchange_rate()` - Returning `1` when `currency_from` equals `currency_to`.
* Fix - Functions - Price and Currency - `wcj_price_by_product_base_currency()` - Checking if currency exchange rate not equals zero (so no division by zero can happen).
* Dev - Settings - Readme generator `woojetpack_readme` removed.
* Dev - Classes - `WCJ_Module` - `create_meta_box()` - Tooltip restyled. Optional `css` attribute added to `title` type.
* Dev - Core - Options - Code refactoring.
* Dev - Core - Shortcodes - Code refactoring - Shortcodes objects saved in `WCJ()->shortcodes` array.
* Dev - Core - `wcj-constants.php` file moved to `core` directory.
* Dev - Version option name changed. Some filters renamed. "WC tested up to" added to plugin's header.
  • Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currencies - More cryptocurrencies added.
  • Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency Exchange Rates - Secondary "Exchange Rates Server" option added to each currency pair.
  • Fix - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Currency per Product - change_currency_symbol() - Changing symbol for appropriate currency code only.
  • Dev - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price Formats - "Additional Currency Code Position" option added.
  • Dev - BUTTON & PRICE LABELS - Call for Price - Variable and grouped products support added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Admin Products List - Initial module release (moved from "Product Listings" module).
  • Fix - PRODUCTS - Bookings - wp_die() replaced with die() in price_change_ajax().
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - "Set All Products to Sold individually" option added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Add to Cart - External Products - Open External Products on Add to Cart in New Window - on Category/Archive Pages - Additional themes compatibility added.
  • Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - wp_die() replaced with die() in price_change_ajax().
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - "Position Priority on Frontend" option added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Custom Visibility - Initial module release.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Images - "Enable Section" option removed. Minor setting restyling.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - array_merge() replaced with array_replace() for wcj_get_select_options() results (with placeholder).
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Input Fields - Frontend View Options - "HTML Template - Radio Field" option added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Product Tabs - "Add Per Product Tabs Content to Yoast SEO plugin analysis" option added.
  • Fix - PRODUCTS - Product Visibility by Country - Session bug fixed.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML - "Products to Include/Exclude" options can now be set as comma separated text (optionally) (instead of list).
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Products XML - Renamed to "Products XML Feeds". Description and documentation URL updated.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Sale Flash - "Per Product", "Per Category", "Per Tag" options added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Sale Flash - Initial module release (copied from "Product Images" module).
  • Fix - PRODUCTS - Tax Display - by Product & by User Role - wcj_is_frontend() check added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Tax Display - "TAX Display - Toggle Button" section added.
  • Dev - PRODUCTS - Tax Display - Initial module release (moved from "Product Listings" module).
  • Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Customer Meta Fields" options added.
  • Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - "Min Cart Amount" and "Max Cart Amount" options added.
  • Dev - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - array_merge() replaced with array_replace() for wcj_get_select_options() results (with placeholder).
  • Fix - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Preserve VAT in Base Country - Issue with lowercase country code n VAT ID fixed.
  • Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Initial module release (moved from "Orders" module).
  • Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Minimum Amount - "Exclude Discounts from Cart Total" option added.
  • Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Orders - Bulk Regenerate Download Permissions for Orders - All Orders - "Periodically" option added.
  • Dev - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Shipping Methods by Users / Shipping Methods by Products / Shipping Options (Hide if Free Shipping is Available) - "Filter Priority" options added.
  • Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - General - "Advanced: Temp Directory" option added.
  • Dev - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - Page Settings - Page Format - "Custom" options added.
  • Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Custom Emails - %customer% can now be used in comma separated list for multiple recipients.
  • Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Custom Ranges / Product Sales (Daily) / Reports functions (also affects Export module) - time()replaced with current_time().
  • Dev - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Product Sales (Monthly) - wcj_reports_products_sales_check_product filter added.
  • Fix - EMAILS & MISC. - Reports - Orders - Product Sales (Monthly) - WooCommerce v3.0.0 compatibility - "Product parent property accessed directly" issue fixed.
  • Dev - Shortcodes - General - [wcj_barcode] shortcode added.
  • Dev - Shortcodes - General - [wcj_tcpdf_barcode] shortcode added.
  • Dev - Shortcodes - Orders - [wcj_order_date] - days attribute added.
  • Fix - Shortcodes - Orders - [wcj_order_items_table] - item_meta column - is_custom meta excluded.
  • Dev - Shortcodes - Products - [wcj_product_category_count]shortcode added.
  • Dev - Shortcodes - Products - [wcj_product_price] - currencyattribute added.
  • Fix - Shortcodes - Products - [wcj_product_purchase_price] - Using wcj_get_product_id() instead of wcj_get_product_id_or_variation_parent_id().
  • Dev - Shortcodes - Products - [wcj_product_purchase_price] - hide_currency attribute added.
  • Dev - Shortcodes files renamed.
  • Dev - Functions - "Crons" added.
  • Dev - Functions - Debug - wcj_log() - esc_url() added.
  • Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - wcj_get_saved_exchange_rate() function added.
  • Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Code refactoring (wcj_get_currency_exchange_rates_url_response() function added).
  • Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "CoinMarketCap" server added.
  • Dev - Functions - Exchange Rates - Exchange Rates Server - "Coinbase" server added.
  • Dev - Functions - General - wcj_get_select_options() - Prefix (wcj-) removed (was added in v3.2.3).
  • Dev - Functions - General - wcj_get_select_options() - trim()added.
  • Fix - Functions - Price and Currency - wc_get_product_purchase_price() - int replaced with float - this fixes the issue with purchase price calculating incorrectly (cutting decimal part).
  • Dev - Settings Manager - Import - Checking for wcj_ prefix, when importing plugin settings.
  • Dev - Settings Manager - Reset - Now deletes all options (also includes meta).
  • Dev - Admin Settings - Custom Fields - exchange_rate field updated (12 decimals in step and code refactoring).
  • Dev - Code refactoring. core directory added.