IMPROVED Content Blocker now detects iframes with the attribute `data-attr-src`.
IMPROVED Shortcodes from Borlabs Cookie Legacy (2.x) are now supported.
IMPROVED Minor code improvements.
IMPROVED The telemetry system was improved.
ERROR RESOLVED Uninstaller did not removed job table.
ERROR RESOLVED In **Multisite Networks**, migration files were previously executed only for the main instance. This update resolves that issue by also executing migration files for all other instances. Due to changes in the migration service, all previous migration files will be executed again to ensure that all websites and instances are updated to the desired status. As a result, configuration changes from updates 3.0.11 and 3.1.0 will be reapplied. These changes include the deactivation of "**Debug Logging**", enabling "**Automatic Update**" for all Borlabs Cookie versions, and change of the email recipients for automatic package updates.