Download Brizy Pro 2.4.37 from nulled fire. Drag & drop front-end page builder to help you create WordPress pages lightning fast
* New: Preparations for future UI color themes
* Improved: Minified CSS in HTML
* Improved: Alphabetical sorting for Gallery tags
* Updated: Twitter library
* Fixed: Excerpt element is saving the font family from the post title
* Fixed: Typography styles for dynamic content in Text element
* Fixed: Capitalize dynamic content for Text element
* Fixed: Posts include or exclude query ,= 2.4.15 - 2023-03-07 =
* New: Preparations for future UI color themes
* Improved: Minified CSS in HTML
* Improved: Alphabetical sorting for Gallery tags
* Updated: Twitter library
* Fixed: Excerpt element is saving the font family from the post title
* Fixed: Typography styles for dynamic content in Text element
* Fixed: Capitalize dynamic content for Text element
* Fixed: Posts include or exclude query
* Fixed: Menu hamburger - items link on responsive mode
* New: Added stroke option for the Post Title element
* New: Added paddings for the Facebook element
* Improved: Shadow for Header and Footer elements
* Fixed: Text alignment in the hamburger Menu
* Fixed: WOO Pages Order Tracking
* Fixed: Popup cookies problems with local-storage
* Fixed: Carousel preview - custom height in responsive mode
* Fixed: Timeline style