BuddyBoss Theme 2.7.51

Download BuddyBoss Theme 2.7.51 from nulled fire. BuddyBoss Theme is a responsive WordPress/BuddyPress theme.
Enhancement: Core - Buddyboss default posts description have all been checked and updated to show correct information in the post
Bug: Activity - The reactions displayed on the mobile view were overlapping on the displayed screen
Bug: Blog - Related post slider on single blog page was not working if language was using left-to-right language such as Arabic
Bug: Core - The console error is now fixed when viewing a user profile from the WP dashboard
Bug: Core - When resetting your password, on the second confirmation password entry the eye icon to view the password was hidden
Bug: Elementor - The color set on the WordPress menu using the Elementor editor was not being applied on the BuddyBoss Theme
Bug: Elementor - The profile dropdown redirected to the user profile page when using the page transition and pre-loader from the Elementor plugin
Bug: Groups - The group navigation menus are now working in mobile responsive view when the group cover image is disabled, and the Header style is set to centered
Bug: Styling - Blockquote style is now showing in the message even if the Forum component is deactivated
Bug: Styling - List/Grid view button was overlapping the comment button in the blog post
Bug: Styling - Medium editor toolbar and media buttons overlap in forum discussions
Bug: Styling - Removed the gap showing on the graph from the nested comment thread
Bug: Styling - The add to cart/view cart button displayed a shadow when the focus state was enabled
Bug: Styling - The spacing from the uploaded image or document on the activity post page was not perfectly even
Bug: Theme options - Some Custom Typography font choices were not displaying correctly in the preview screen
Bug: WooCommerce -Deleting a Product from cart would close the cart dropdown automatically
Bug: Zoom - The Zoom setup screen toggle pass/secret buttons inside input fields display borders were causing UI issues
New Feature! Admins and Groups organizers and moderators now have the ability to use scheduling posts
Bug: Core - 'Get post' query was being called for all frontend and backend pages, now is only being called for required screens only
Bug: Core - Defender Pro was showing the BuddyBoss theme as malware
Bug: Styling - Improved the UI to handle some inconsistencies for the activity comment forms when viewing in mobile web view
Bug: Styling - The background and text color on the Calendar widget was not applied on the frontend
Bug: Styling - While on Theme 2.0, the loading style of the Group invite and canceling a pending group invite was not using the proper styling
Bug: TutorLMS - The coupon code button was not working properly when purchasing TutorLMS paid courses
Bug: WooCommerce - WooCommerce templates were showing outdated when using BuddyBoss plugin and theme
Enhancement: Groups - The group feed displays the group avatar and the users avatar overlayed we have removed the group avatar from posts within said groups
Bug: Activity - Elementor Activity feed widget would not allow the upload of gif images
Bug: Elementor - The Course Activity widget for LifterLMS was not working correctly
Bug: Forums - Shortcode [bbp-forum-form] was not loading properly when we put it inside the Text Editor element in Elementor
Bug: Menus - Long Profile Sub Menus were being hidden due to an error showing not scrollable
Bug: Styling - The username UI breaks in the activity widgets when we have a long name or profile types
Bug: Styling - Threading graph lines removed after 3 threading levels deep