Conductor - Slider Add-On 1.0.0

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Download Conductor - Slider Add-On 1.0.0 from nulled fire. The Conductor Slider Add-On unlocks three slider displays for use within Conductor Widgets.

Download Conductor - Slider Add-On 1.0.0 from nulled fire

The Conductor Slider Add-On unlocks three slider displays for use within Conductor Widgets.
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The Conductor Slider Add-On unlocks three slider displays for use within Conductor Widgets.

Simply activate the add-on and head over to the Customizer or Appearance > Widgets. Add or edit an existing Conductor Widget and you’ll notice 3 new layouts to choose from:

  • Slider: Testimonials – This display is perfect for displaying testimonials, but works with all content types. The columns setting allows you to choose how many content pieces appear on each slide. On responsive devices, content pieces narrow down to one piece of content per slide. By default, when this display is selected, the number of columns is set to 2, the Author Byline and Continue Reading output elements are set to hidden, and the featured image size is set to thumbnail.
  • Slider: Hero – Hero displays are perfect for displaying your content on top of your featured image. Hero displays are useful for creating large-text display blocks on your site, highlighting your content. Hero displays can be used with single pieces of content to highlight a specific post for example, or with many pieces of content to highlight your most popular posts. By default, when this display is selected, the featured image link is disabled and the featured image size is set to large.
  • Slider: News – This display offers the ability to show your content as a slider with “dots” for each slide instead of arrows. The output of this display is specifically formatted for news articles, but works with all content types. The columns setting allows you to choose how many content pieces appear on each slide. On responsive devices, content pieces narrow down to one piece of content per slide. By default, when this display is selected, the number of columns is set to 3, the Content, Author Byline, and Continue Reading output elements are set to hidden, and the featured image size is set to large.

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Conductor - Slider Add-On

Apanha Apanha Published By