Convert Pro Addon 1.5.6

Download Convert Pro Addon 1.5.6 from nulled fire. Convert Pro Addon is a collection of advanced modules and features
- Improvement: Added dynamic API's Tags support for MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, FluentCRM, and GetResponse. (How to Add Dynamic Tag Support for the Autoresponder? - Convert Pro)
- Fix: Mailster Integration - Already subscribed user status changes to pending when double-opt-in enabled.
- Fix: Infusionsoft Integration - Not able to authenticate - each() deprecated PHP 8.0
- Fix: MailerLite API - Groups limit increased by 500.
- Improvement: Show Analytics report Datewise.
- Improvement: Support latest jQuery function deprecations.
- Fix: AB test - Popups configuration setting not saving correctly.
- Fix: Fetch popups paginated Google Analytics data on the dashboard.