Cornerstone - The WordPress Page Builder 7.4.19

Download Cornerstone - The WordPress Page Builder 7.4.19 from nulled fire. Cornerstone is a 100% front-end WordPress page builder that will change the way you create pages.
Feature: Sliders have a "Starting Slide" control
Feature: "Edit with Cornerstone" in post editor can be hidden with option `cs_post_editor_edit_with_cornerstone` set to false
Updated: When a sticky bar with "Scroll Up" reaches the 0px of the screen, it will also remove the fixed class
Updated: Hide with Breakpoints on elements can accept Dynamic Content
Bugfix: When Jetpack was installed, videos using mejs would not be visible
Bugfix: Scrolling links that used a hashtag valid on the page, but to a different path, would not redirect the page
Bugfix: Select boxes in the breakpoint value editor like Font Weight, would not let you use the mouse on any of the select boxes
Bugfix: Parameters with a group toggle and a picker would not let you click the toggle
Bugfix: When referencing the same parameter dynamic content as your parameter, it would create an infinite loop. In the future we will be referencing the parent values when this situation occurs, but for now it ignores the value to prevent the issue
Feature: Search has a control to display the last searched term or not. Enabled by default to mock previous behaviour
Feature: `cs_search_query_input_value` filter added to control the search inputs text on page load
Updated: Footer layout was not using the `Bar` as the default Element
Updated: Templates link added to Cornerstone admin menus
Bugfix: If using anything from {{dc:post}} on a page that didn't have a post (a 404 for example), PHP would give you warnings
Bugfix: Design Cloud button in validation home page did not take you to the templates section
Bugfix: Card Element transitioning timing was not working due to iOS bugfix
Bugfix: Color Picker palette was not showing up if you were only using Theme Colors from the PHP filter `cs_colors_extend`
Bugfix: If another plugin was including an older version of the TGMA library, the plugins page would have a fatal error around the bulk updater url
Bugfix: Conditions and Assignment popup was not repositioning itself when adding a new condition or assignment
Bugfix: Sites using page excerpt would not load Components correctly in the builder, without changing the page after page load
Bugfix: Parameters post processing for images was not strict enough causing any text that starts with a number and ends with a colon to trigger image processing
Bugfix: Lottie was displaying builder text (`Loading...`) in the frontend
Feature: `cs_elements_deprecated_enabled_default` filter added to show Deprecated Elements by default. Set to true to enable them
Updated: JS and CSS files send over proper versioning info to WordPress. We hope this fixes some issues with cache plugins and with instances where dashboards are seeing the old permission manager
Bugfix: CS 6 custom element shim was conflicting with Customize "class" control, breaking the style of elements such as navigation collapsed