Custom Facebook Feed Pro 4.6.5

Download Custom Facebook Feed Pro 4.6.5 from nulled fire. Custom Facebook Feed Pro add a completely customizable Facebook feed to your WordPress site
* New: Added support for Facebook oEmbeds. When you share a link to a Facebook post or video, WordPress automatically converts it into an embedded Facebook post for you (an "oEmbed"). However, on October 24, 2020, WordPress is discontinuing support for Facebook oEmbeds and so any existing or new embeds will no longer work. Don't worry though, we have your back! This update adds support for Facebook oEmbeds and so, after updating, the Custom Facebook Feed plugin will automatically keep your oEmbeds working. It will also power any new oEmbeds you post going forward.
* Fix: Fixed an issue when there are multiple album, photo, or video feeds on the same page where loading more posts would affect posts in other feeds.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where the lightbox caption in album feeds would be displayed incorrectly if an item had no caption.
* Fix: Fixed a JavaScript error which would occur on the settings page if single or double quotes were included in any fields when manually connecting an account.
* Fix: Fixed an issue with the "account" shortcode option not working for some accounts.
* Fix: Fixed an issue with the popup modal when connecting a group.
* Fix: Don't display an admin error notice if an empty data array is returned by Facebook for an events feed.
* Fix: Added a rare issue when using the "offset" setting and the masonry layout to display reviews using the [Reviews extension](