* Tweak: Updated our logo and color scheme throughout the plugin to match our new [website](https://smashballoon.com/).
* Tweak: Minified the CSS and JavaScript files for better performance.
* Tweak: Added the CSS class "cff-feed-image" to all img elements in the feed.
* Fix: Fixed several issues related to event feeds.
* Fix: The media position post text was being duplicated.
* Fix: The load more button would be hidden if there were multiple feeds on a page using the masonry layout.
* Fix: The [Reviews extension](https://smashballoon.com/extensions/reviews/) can now be translated using the "Translations" tab on the settings page.
* Fix: Added links to the issue in our API error helper doc in error messages for easy debugging on our website.
* Fix: When using the AJAX theme fix, the JavaScript file name includes the version number to bust browser caches with updates.
* Fix: Dismissing dashboard notifications would prevent the ability to create new feeds until the page was refreshed.
* Fix: The event post text setting was not working.