Custom Twitter Feeds Pro 2.4.1

Download Custom Twitter Feeds Pro 2.4.1 from nulled fire. Display completely customizable Twitter feeds for your website
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning "required parameter follows optional parameter" that would occur in PHP 8.0+.
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning "undefined index" when using a mixed feed.
* Fix: Fixed PHP error when trying to load Twitter card information from a website that provided no HTML to parse.
* Fix: Fixed several issues with GDPR Cookie Consent by Web Toffee integration.
* Fix: Fixed CSS to allow for right to left carousels.
* Fix: Fixed duplicate MySQL queries issue when checking for the resized images table.
* Fix: Changed the location of the cookie.txt file (used by the server to collect twitter card information) and removed it after it was used.
* Fix: Added support for the shortcode setting "feedid" to allow custom names of feed caches to prevent conflicts.
* Fix: Some links to Twitter in feeds were using the author name instead of the Twitter handle and would occasionally cause errors.
* Fix: Fixed the inability to show just one tweet if only one tweet was available for an account/hashtag.
* Fix: Removed an extra character that would appear near the author's name under certain circumstances.
* New: The locations of the Twitter feeds on your site will now be logged and listed on a single page for easier management. After this feature has been active for awhile, a “Feed Finder” link will appear next to the Feed Type setting on the plugin Settings page which allows you to see a list of all feeds on your site along with their locations.
* Fix: Updated jQuery methods for compatibility with WordPress 5.7.
* Fix: Home Timeline feeds were not working.
* Fix: “In reply to”, “Load More”, and “retweeted” text can now be translated using translation files.