Fix: Order class names may be incorrect for some cached content, resulting in display and/or lazy loading issues
Fix: The order of certain wrapping elements may be incorrect when the theme builder is in use, possibly resulting in styling issues
Fix: The output may have a duplicate closing </div> tag when the theme builder is in use
Fix: Some module(s) such as Pricing Tables may have styling and/or other issues if one or more settings fields contains dynamic content
Fix: Some module(s) such as Pricing Tables may display placeholder text instead of the expected content when shortcodes are used in the module content. (Note: In the case of Pricing Tables and possibly other modules, shortcodes may be used in content even if they are not explicitly added by the user.) This may occur only when the module is not loaded from cache, or every time the module is loaded.
Fix: Scroll effects were not working in cached content. (Note: Scroll effects are not supported in content that is lazy loaded after the initial page load, if lazy load is enabled.)
Fix: Sticky elements were not working cached content. (Note: Sticky elements are not supported in content that is lazy loaded after the initial page load, if lazy load is enabled.)
Fix: On some modules, certain box shadow styles may not work in cached content. (Note: These combinations of modules and box shadow styles are not supported in content that is lazy loaded after the initial page load, if lazy load is enabled.)