Divi Supreme Pro

Download Divi Supreme Pro from nulled fire. Divi Supreme Modules Pro enhances the experience and features found on Divi.
Fixed: Divi Image Text Reveal Module text not showing up in Visual Builder
Fixed: Divi Flipbox Module overlapping issue in Firefox Browser.
Fixed: Divi Flipbox Module flip animation.
Fixed: Divi Text Badges Module border not rendering on main module due to wrong CSS target.
Fixed: Divi Flipbox default fonts issue.
Fixed: Existing user using Divi Flipbox module.
Fixed: Flickering issue on Divi Flipbox module.
Enhanced: Divi Flipbox title font-size to revert back to Divi’s default h4 at 18px.
Added: Title, Subtitle and content fonts to Divi Flipbox main module.
Enhanced: Divi Lottile Module upload mime type to json instead of image.