- [new] Add stripe 3D secure and strong customer authentication (Stripe Connect Module)
- [new] Add subscription pack upgrade downgrade option for vendors (Subscription Module)
- [new] Add wholesale options in the admin backend (Wholesale Module)
- [new] Add support for vendor verification widget (Elementor Module)
- [fix] WordPress backend date format while printing date in coupon and announcement
- [fix] Attach product discount in order details
- [fix] Coupon discount type changes on coupon edit
- [fix] If subscription on registration enabled ignore email verification (Subscription Module)
- [fix] Refund calculation is wrong when it's done from the admin backend
- [fix] Product variations are not creating from imported CSV
- [tweak] Always return response headers even if no wholesale customers found (Wholesale Module)
- [tweak] Return more detailed error message for Wirecard and Stripe
- [tweak] Dokan admin settings rearrange and refactor
- [new] Add elementor page builder widgets for Dokan (Elementor Module)
- [fix] Wholesale customer migration button description text (Wholesale Module)
- [fix] Limit your zone location by default should not be enabled
- [fix] Line break and youtube video does not work in vendor bio
- [tweak] Single product multiple vendor hide duplicates based on admin settings (SPMV Module)
- [new] Add vendor biography tab in dokan store page
- [new] Add filter and search option in admin report all logs area
- [new] Add multiple vacation date system for vendor
- [fix] Validate refund request in seller dashboard
- [fix] Ensure coupon works on vendors product not the cart
- [fix] Replace some moip text with wirecard (Wirecard)
- [fix] Remove subscription product from best selling and top rated product widget (Subscription)
- [fix] Booking is missing in calendar day view (Booking)
- [fix] Split product discount on sub orders
- [fix] Booking order shows duplicate line items in admin backend (Booking)
- [fix] Warning on my account order details page (RMA)
- [fix] Subscription renew and cancellation with PayPal (Subscription)
- [fix] Remove subscription menu in admin backend if subscription is not enabled (Subscription)
- [tweak] Store progress serialization and congrats message on 100% profile completeness