Dokan Pro - Professional 3.11.0

Download Dokan Pro - Professional 3.11.0 from nulled fire. Dokan pro and business lets vendors to manage a lot of things.
- **fix:** [Stripe Express] Payment error when WooCommerce subscription is disabled
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Product filtering was not working when geolocation was not set in the filters
- **fix:** [RMA] A fatal error occurs when the RMA Requests page is visited from my account page if order doesn't exists on database
- **fix:** [Rank Math SEO] Assets dependency issue with the latest version of Rank Math SEO

- **update:** Updated UI/UX of vendor dashboard submenu
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Enabled support for guest users to purchase vendor subscription pack.
- **update:** [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Product create popup modal color aligned with the selected theme color.
- **update:** [StoreReview] Moved bulk action fields to the top of the store review lists under the vendor dashboard
- **update:** [SellerVacation/Auction] Added vacation mode support for Auction products
- **update:** [SellerVacation] Added vacation message fields as a required field under the vendor dashboard store settings page. Previously it was displaying an empty box on the store page if this field was empty.
- **update:** [Booking] Hide Accommodation Addon types checkboxes from the regular products' edit product page/form

- **fix:** [RMA] Fixed the Store Credit Coupon does not include any products at the time of coupon creation
- **fix:** [Booking] Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index: add_resource_name while creating booking resource with empty resource person
- **fix:** [TableRateShipping] Fixed Vendor Table Rate Shipping's > Method Title does not work correctly
- **fix:** [StoreReview] Fixed unable to translate Guest string
- **fix:** [SellerVacation] Fixed product status doesn't show on the booking product listing page if the vendor enables vacation mode
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed store banner and profile images are not showing on the single store page after updating to Dokan Pro 3.7.6
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed a deprecation warning that shows up in Query Monitor on the front end of the site
- **fix:** [StoreOpenCloseTime] Fixed console error on shop page
- **fix:** [Auction] Fixed needed to save permalinks for the auction module to work after the WooCommerce Auction plugin is activated
- **fix:** [RequestAQuote] Fixed template files NewQuote.php and UpdateQuote.php have the same ID: dokan_request_new_quote
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Fixed the dropdown list of subscription packs on the vendor registration form is not working
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Fixed customer becomes vendor form ( showing all subscription packs) while the Dokan subscription module is enabled
- **fix:** [VendorShipping] Fixed after changing the shipping cost from the vendor dashboard, it does not update on the cart by reloading the page
- **fix:** [VendorShipping] Prevent vendors from inputting currency in the "Flat Rate" shipping method's cost fields.
- **new:** [Auction] Multistep product category implementation for Auction Module
- **new:** [Booking] Multistep product category implementation for Booking Module

- **update:** No message after clicking the `save changes` button on the vendor dashboard Ship Station settings
- **update:** Display active and inactive module count under the Dokan module page
- **update:** [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Added extended supports for Color Scheme Customizer module on frontend

- **fix:** [StripeConnect] Fixed a deprecated warning `Method WC_Subscriptions::redirect_ajax_add_to_cart is deprecated since version 4.0.0`
- **fix:** [VendorSubscriptionProduct] fixed a deprecated warning `Function WC_Subscriptions::is_duplicate_site is deprecated since version 4.0.0!`
- **fix:** [TableRateShipping] Fixed tooltip not working for table rate shipping under vendor dashboard
- **fix:** [Elementor] Single Store Page templates were not loading on latest version of Elementor
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings on Dokan Elementor module