- **feat:** [Module] Razorpay Payment Gateway: Accept credit card payments and allow your sellers to get automatic split payment in Dokan via Razorpay
- **feat:** [Module] MangoPay: Enable split payments, multi-seller payments, and other marketplace features given by MangoPay.
- **feat:** [Module] Min Max Quantities: Set a minimum or maximum purchase quantity or amount for the products of your marketplace.
- **feat:** [Module] Product Advertising: Admin can earn more by allowing vendors to advertise their products and give them the right exposure.
- **feat:** [Store Support] Added Store Support for site admin.
- **feat:** Added support for Multiple store open close time for vendor store.
- **feat:** Automatic withdrawal disbursement.
- **feat:** Added custom withdraw method support for admin.
- **update:** Updated design for module page.
- **update:** For Store open close time widget, first day of the week will start on according to the WordPress settings.
- **update:** [Store Support] Design updated on vendor dashboard store support page and customer dashboard support page.
- **update:** Compatibility with latest release of Rank math SEO.
- **update:** [Booking] Added support for "=" symbol while creating range and setting up the cost while creating a bookable product.
- **update:** [Booking] Set the minimum allowed value for 'Minimum booking window ( into the future )' to zero(0).
- **update:** Updated some admin notices for better readability.
- **update:** [Geolocation] Added a search button under geolocation shortcode to search store/product via geolocation, also removed auto reload features for this form.
- **update:** Updated Dokan Free Shipping minimum amount calculation based on WooCommerce (compatibility with latest version).
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added date range filtering option for vendor support tickets listing.
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added support tickets count under My Account page.
- **update:** [ProductEnquiry] reCAPTCHA support added to product enquiry form.
- **update:** [Auction] Added Back Navigation button from auction activity list, also fixed a typo.
- **fix:** Switching subscription plan doesn't work if Paypal Marketplace module is active has been fixed.
- **fix:** Coupon was not expiring at exact expiry date.
- **fix:** [DeliveryTime] Delivery date label wasn’t displaying on frontend checkout page, now has been fixed.
- **fix:** Fixed button width mismatch under vendor dashboard report page.
- **fix:** [Auction] Starting bidding price was not resetting for Re-listing auction products, now has been fixed.
- **fix:** Shipping methods are not available when both digital and physical products are in the cart, now has been fixed.
- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Shipping functionality is not working when vendor create subscription product from vendor dashboard, now has been fixed.