Donation For WooCommerce 3.6.2

Download Donation For WooCommerce 3.6.2 from nulled fire. Donation For WooCommerce extension enables you to add “donation” as a regular WooCommerce product.
* ADDED - Compatible with Multisite.
* ADDED - Gift Aid.
* ADDED - Tributes.
* ADDED - WC Donation Reports.
* ADDED - WC Donation Reports Exports via CSV & PDF.
* ADDED - Send Donation Receipt as Email on each donation.
* ADDED - User can see their donation on frontend and export the donation via CSV & PDF By using shortcode [donation_reports].
* FIXED - Translation for interval, period, length for recurring donation (WOOC-444).
* FIXED - Donation Goal field change to number type and frontend will show with proper number format.
* FIXED - Empty Goal amount field shows warning on frontend.
* IMPROVED - Donation causes dropdown style.
* FIXED - Donation causes not showing on custom value donation type.
* FIXED - SelectWoo error in JS
* ADDED - Edit placeholder text of other input field by using filter - "wc_donation_other_amount_placeholder", $placeholder, $min_amount, $max_amount
* ADDED - Donation Goals Feature
* ADDED - Added donation post id in parameters of action "wc_donation_before_single_add_donation" & "wc_donation_after_single_add_donation"
* IMPROVEMENT - Donation label can be empty if user donot want to show.
* FIXED - Donation single page layout fixed.
* FIXED - Donation Order Ajax issue.
* FIXED - Gutenberg Block added for campaign shortcode.